T'Challa/Black Panther

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"I tell you not to interfere with the arrest of Barnes, what do you do? You interfere," you scolded T'Challa

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"I tell you not to interfere with the arrest of Barnes, what do you do? You interfere," you scolded T'Challa.

"What was I supposed to do, let the authorities take care of it?" He asked ignorantly.

"Yes!" You exclaimed.

"My love, he murdered baba. I will get justice for him," T'Challa told you.

"Justice or revenge? Vengeance has consumed you T'Challa. Do not let your anger withhold you from the truth," you stated.

He stood up angrily, "How could you defend the man responsible for killing your King!?" He asked incredulously.

"I'm not, but I don't want to see an innocent man be blamed for something he did not commit," you told him standing your ground.

Just then Everett Ross came in and said Barnes got extradition. He was to be handed over to Wakanda.

"Wakanda will deal with his crimes now," T'Challa said. But you only shook your head in disappointment.

"My T'Challa never let darkness into his heart," you said and left the office.

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