Steve Rogers/Captain America Part 1

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"All your weapons will be confiscated for the time being

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"All your weapons will be confiscated for the time being. Thanks to Mr. Stark here, you won't be charged and thrown in prison," Secretary Ross stated.

You, Steve and Sam were arrested after a chase with Bucky. It was then that you all found out the King of Wakanda was the Black Panther.

You all looked to see Bucky in a large cage, being taken away. As you all were following the Secretary, two agents stopped you and put power dampening
gauntlets on you.

"Hey! What the hell are these things," you asked harshly. That caused Steve to turn around.

"Those Ms/Mr. L/N, will contrict your powers. If you sign the accords we will negotiate more. Until then, you are a dangerous person. Take them to a holding cell," Ross said.

You struggled against the agents. You heard Steve call out your name while trying to get out of some agents' holds.

The next thing you felt was a collar around your neck and a electric jolt, that rendered you unconscious.

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