Stephen Strange/Dr Strange

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"Your accident doesn't define you Stephen, you must know that," you told him

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"Your accident doesn't define you Stephen, you must know that," you told him.

After the accident that left his hands crippled, Stephen has only kept inside his house. He hasn't even been taking care of his health. And that worried you the most, so you've been checking up on him from time to time

"Being a surgeon was my life Y/N, I was the best! But my life is destroyed from a careless mistake!" He shouted angrily.

"You can still do other things in life, it's not the end of the world Stephen. It could have been so much worse. You could've died that night," you replied sadly.

"Would've been better if I did," Stephen responded bitterly.

"Don't say that, people care about you Stephen, there ar-" you tried to convince him but he cut you off yelling.

"You care SO MUCH, don't you! Well guess what, I don't need your care or pity. In fact don't ever visit me again. Now leave me alone!" He said turning his back.

Tears streamed down your eyes as you walked to the door.

"I hope you enjoy your life, I hope your happy."

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