Peggy Carter

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"Hey what's wrong? You look down," Peggy inquired

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"Hey what's wrong? You look down," Peggy inquired.

You both were at a party, but you weren't enjoying yourself.

"Just some people at S.H.I.E.L.D, that are here, made comments about how great you are and how lucky I am," you answered.

"Okay, what about it?" Peggy asked still not seeing the problem.

"It's true! Look at you Peggy for God's sake! Your a top level agent whose respected by all. I'm just some low life communications person. I don't deserve you, and everyone else seems to agree," you exclaimed angrily.

"Anyone else's opinions doesn't matter. I chose you because I love you Y/N. And I don't care about what other people think. Your perfect to me, I'm the one who doesn't deserve you. Your the only person that understands me, that shows me love in ways I could never imagine. Don't doubt our love," Peggy declared before walking to you and giving you a kiss on the lips.

"Let people think what they want, all that matters is that we are together," Peggy said.

You couldn't agree more.

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