Steve Rogers/Captain America

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The accords were already splitting up the team

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The accords were already splitting up the team. Half agrees, half doesn't, and it lead to this argument.

"Tony, your be uncharacteristically quiet," you told your brother.

"It's cause he's already made up his mind," Steve cut.

"Boy, you both know me so well. I'm actually nursing a headache," Tony stated getting up.

As he was getting a drink he talked about a kid that got killed in Sokovia. How The Avengers needed to be put in check.

"Tony, if someone dies on your watch you don't give up. And we are if we don't take responsibility for our actions," Steve argued and you agreed.

Then Rhodey argued that this isn't S.H.I.E.L.D or any organization. To which Steve argued that it's run by people with agendas and they could change.

Then Tony brought up shutting down Stark weaponry. That's when you decided to speak up.

"Tony you chose to do that, if we sign this we give up the right to choose. What if they send us somewhere we don't need to be, what we need to go some place and they won't let us. We may not be perfect but the safest hands are still our own," you defended.

Steve looked over at you, curious and shocked that you didn't agree with your brother. But he was glad someone shared the same thoughts as him.

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