T'Challa/Black Panther

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"My King, I need you to test something," you called out to T'Challa

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"My King, I need you to test something," you called out to T'Challa.

"Stop, you know I don't like it when you call me that," T'Challa teasingly scolded you.

"Fine I'll stop, okay I want you to strike your suit. Doesn't matter any where," you instructed.

He nodded before kicking the suit hard and making it fly across the room.

"Not that hard!" You exclaimed collecting the suit.

"You said strike it, you didn't say how hard," T'Challa defended.

"Okay Mr.Know it all," you teased.

You saw he noticed the purple glow left behind from where he struck the suit.

"The kinetic energy is stored in the suit, and used for redistribution. Okay, now I want you to strike again in the same spot," you said starting a recording.

"Why are you recording?" He asked skeptically.

"For research purposes, and your sister would kill me if I didn't record my findings."

That seemed to convince him because he struck the suit again, but this time went flying back.

You laughed at his shocked expression. "Delete that footage!" He exclaimed.

"No way, I'm sending this to your sister," you chuckled.

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