Peggy Carter

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"No, your not going, it's too dangerous," you told Peggy

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"No, your not going, it's too dangerous," you told Peggy.

"Last time I checked it wasn't your decision to make," Peggy remarked.

"Peggy it's madness, this mission is a suicide mission. You know that I'm not letting you take that risk," you argued back.

"And you what I'm capable of," she said staring right into your eyes.

"Yes I do, but this mission might very well be the last one you go on," you said.

"We both know that nothing's going to stop me," she said determinedly.

"At least let me provide backup then. I don't like you going solo for this one," you pleaded.

"This is my mission, just like you said that stakes are high and I'm not letting you take the risk," Peggy said before pulling you into a passionate kiss.

"You know I'll always come back to you," she wispered as you both pulled apart.

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