T'Challa/Black Panther

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After talking to many different representatives, T'Chaka told you to fetch T'Challa

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After talking to many different representatives, T'Chaka told you to fetch T'Challa. You found your husband outside gazing out in deep thought.

You knew he wasn't one for spotlight and politics. He already stated how he would rather be back home in Wakanda than here. And you honestly didn't blame him.

"Why is that when I leave you alone for 5 minutes, I always come back to see you deep in thought. Or brooding, I really can't tell anymore," you told your husband, knocking him from his thoughts.

He turned around, then give you a smirk.

"I am not brooding as you say I am, I'm just thinking about home," he told you.

You walked up to him and leaned your head on his shoulder, as you both look at the sky.

"Wakanda will still be the same as we left it. T'Challa, you know when you are King you will have to be out in the world more," you scolded lightly.

"Ahhh, you know I don't care for politics. I don't understand it like you and baba," he said.

You faced him and made him look at you.

"Who said you had to be like your father when you become King. T'Challa, you get to be the King you want to be. And you have me by your side, to help you," you replied and leaned in for a kiss, which he happily granted.

"What did I do to deserve you?" He asked. "I don't know, but I'm glad you did it," you responded smiling

Then the both of you intertwined hands and went back inside.

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