Linking Up

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The tanks were being cleaned out. This was it. I was finally going to be an Avatar on Pandora. I was going to have an arm again. I looked in the window. Doctors were preparing the Avatars, hooking up viatals and such. "How much link time have you logged?" Grace asked.

"About 520 hours." Norm responded.

"736 and a half ma'am." I replied sending Norm a smirk to which he stuck his tongue out.

"That's good. You're in here, she's in there and you're here," she said, pointing us to our link bays.

I heard her talking to Jake but I wasn't close enough to hear what they were saying. A scientist had had not met helped me hook up into the link and I closed the lid. This was so freaking exciting, I thought I was going to piss myself. As I allowed my mind to go blank, there was an array of colors, before it flashed white. My vision adjusted and two scientists were testing my eyes and ears. "(Y/N), can you hear me?" she said. Another scientist flashed a light in my eyes and snapped my ears. Once everything was checked out she asked, "How are you feeling (Y/N)?"

"Great!" I cheerely replied. I felt my arm. It actually worked. I have a real actual arm! The two scientists are making me do some weird exercises. Norm was also doing them too. "Looking good Norm!" I called out.

"Haha, you look good too. You look no different except for the blue!" Norm called back.

After the exercises went by without major incident, I looked back at Norm who was just finishing as well. But two tables down, flashes of blue filled the corner of my vision. Pulling out all of the tubes and starting to stand up, Jake starts to cause even more of a wreck trying to leave. "Jake, come on," Norm called.

"Jake! Listen to me! You're not used to your Avatar body. This is dangerous!" Max tried to reason.

"Jake get your Avatar ass on the bed right now or I will kill you in your sleep." I muttered very coldly. Jake didn't hear me, but instead just told Max, "This is great."

Jake stomped out of the door, laughing like a maniac. Norm and I looked at each other and nodded. We both unstrapped ourselves and went after Jake.  Jakes started to run through the equipment.

"Jake! Were not supposed to be running!" Norm cried out to him. Then he stopped.

"Come on! He's stopped, we can catch up to him!" I hissed at Norm.

Jake was feeling the dirt in his feet when Grace called out to him in her Avatar body. "Hey marine!"

"Damn, Grace?"

"Well who'd you expect numbnuts?" She grabbed a purple fruit off of a bush and tossed it to Jake. "Think fast!"

I could tell Jake loved the fruit. His eyes went wide and his ears perked up. I ran up to be next to him while Norm was in the corner panting like a dog. After I sent him a little smirk saying that I had won, I asked "What's going on here?"

"(Y/N), you have to try this! It's so good!"

Grace took another fruit off of the bush and tossed it to me. "Motor control looks good (Y/N). I hope that you are enjoying having two working arms?"

"Of course. It's very... refreshing." I bit into the fruit. Damn that was good. It was sweet, but bitter at the same time- a weird, but nice texture.  Some of the blue insides got stuck to my face and I wiped them off with my hand.


"Come on, everyone. Quiet down." Grace bellowed, "Alright gang, lights out."

I sat down in my cot. Norm was next to me with Jake on the other side, playing with his queue. "Don't play with that, you'll go blind." I responded with a monotone voice.

"That's kinda freaky." Jake mumbled.

"No shit Sherlock."

As Grace turned out the lights, I lowered myself onto the bed, being careful of my tail, and listened to the forest sounds. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep, knowing that I would be woken up from my link bed in a couple of seconds.


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