Maybe He Isn't So Bad

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The airlock hissed as Grace opened the door. It revealed a small bunker with a couple of link bays  and beds. I threw my bag down on one of the side tables as Grace turned on the power. Norm, Jake, and Trudy rolled in next, Norm carrying Jake's bag. "Welcome to camp." Grace sighed, "So, this is my bunk." 

I saw Trudy reach into a mini fridge like thing and pull out some expired food. "This stuff is nasty." she said under her breath.  As the door was open, I saw some pictures on the door. Most of them were with grace and Na'vi children. Who knew a woman so tough could teach kids? In most of the pictures it seemed as though she was teaching them. So that's where they learned English. Grace didn't miss a thing. "Norm, go under. (Y/N) on top." Grace said as she directed us to our bunk. "Trudy you take the other top one."

"All right. Jake, (Y/N) hang a left." she was obviously playing nice with Jake. Ever since she herd that he was taking to Miles her attitude toward him has changed, but Jake and I had what she needed, communication with the clan. She led us into a room with four link bays in it. "Jake you're in the one on the end. It's the least glitchy. (Y/N) you're in the middle one here." 

Jake got in his and jumped in right away. "(Y/N) I have to warn you, these are older models so the metal in your arm might mess up the wavelength, so be careful okay?" Grace warned.

"I can take it off if that would help keep me safe." I responded with a cheery smile as I started to detach my arm. 

"Well, I don't know how that will affect your avatar if you don't have an arm."

"Jake's legs run fine even though they're paralyzed."

"Jake's legs are still attached to his body. Your arm is clean off and you were what 5, right, when you got it amputated so that has been 21 years since you had control of an actual working arm. I just don't want you to get hurt if your avatar's arm doesn't work." 

"How 'bout this, I'll wear my arm today to make sure my avatar and the link still work. Then I can ask Tsu'tey what we are doing the next day and if it is easy, then I can just try my avatar without my arm on how does that sound?"

"Good plan. Now get your butt in there. You have to get linked up!"


I was following Tsu'tey up the gigantic tree, and my goodness he is not making it easy. Man I'm out of shape. I haven't run since like, high school track? Even then I just threw discus and javelin. When we finally got to the top of the tree I looked out across the landscape. Pandora will never stop surprising me with the beautiful views. Then Tsu'tey started chirping. Then the tree started chirping back. Suddenly a huge bird-like creature emerged from the bush. I knew that was an Ikran since I was little. Tommy and I wanted to fly our own some day. 

"Do not look in her eye." he commanded. He calmed the Ikran down, and I have to admit it was kinda cute how he baby talked the Ikran. Huh, maybe he isn't so bad after all. "Ikran is not horse."

"I can see that."

"Unlike the horses, once shahaylu is made," the Ikran shook a little when he made the bond. 

"Ikran will fly with only one hunter in the whole life." I finished.

"How did you know that?" He asked.

"When I was a little girl, I was obsessed over the Ikrans. I wanted desperately to fly one someday." I explained. 

"You are more educated then your companion. You know about the Ikrans, you know how to speak Na'vi, is there anything you don't know?" he queried with a little chuckle. 

"Well Tsu'tey, there is always more to learn!" I said with a stupid smile, and he let out a huge laugh when he saw my face. Damn, that laugh was contagious. After a while, the laughter died down and we climbed back down the tree. 

"Well I want to learn too. What is life like when you're not in your Avatar body? Where are you really from? Do your mountains float too?" he bombarded as he suddenly turned into a 5 year old. 

"Slow down!" I said through my giggles, "Life is definitely not as exiting in my human body as it is in my avatar. I'm from Earth and no, our mountains don't float. We speak English where I'm from, but there are many other different languages that are spoken all over Earth. How about this, after you teach me some Pandora stuff, I'll teach you some things that I used to do when I was human?"

"Sure! Thank Eywa I was assigned to you and not Jake. You seem a lot more fun to hang with."

Maybe he's not so bad after all. 


Jake was in the corner doing the video log for today as I was reading a book. (It may or may not have been about Ikrans.) "Do I really need to do this now?" he complained.

"No. Now, when it's fresh." Grace scolded.

"Okay, location, shack, and the days are starting to blend together." 

I placed the book down and rolled over in my sheets. What am I gonna teach Tsu'tey tomorrow? I've told him like everything important, what else is there?


Tsu'tey and I were resting on a tree. After a long day of teaching me to use a bow to hunt we were laughing about Jake. "He was complaining about the language last night before we went to sleep. He still cannot pronounce shahaylu correctly!" I announced.

After a little bit of teasing Jake Tsu'tey was getting impatient. "Are you going to tell me about humans now? Can you tell me what you look like in your real body? Please?" (I had taught him his 'pleases' and 'thank yous' a couple of days ago)

"Ugh fine." I said with an eye roll. Tsu'tey looked at me wide eyed, kinda like an exited puppy. "I have (H/C) hair, (E/C) eyes and (S/C) skin, unlike your blue skin which I enjoy much better. Also my real body is about 3/4 the size of my avatar." I look over and see Tsu'tey absorbing all of it. Seriously, how is this dude a tough warrior? He is a small child trapped in an adult's body.  

"I also am missing an arm. You know the technology I was telling you about yesterday? Well the technology was able to give me a new arm."

"Wait. Wait. Wait. You are missing an arm? And you were able to get a new one? Wow Earth is amazing!

Oh I wish it was Tsu'tey, I really wish it was. 

"Come on. Lets go get some fruit." I told him and we were off eating a blue fruit in no time. 


Sky People Can't See (Tsu'Tey x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now