Trudy's Backstory

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I woke up in my Avatar bay, and climbed out of it. I'm still amazed at what Pandora was like. Everything was still stuck in my head. Trust me, it's nothing like what the book says its like. I grabbed my arm and started to walk out of the link bay area and to my sleeping quarters. 


"I'm Trudy" A woman introduces herself to me and Jake. "I fly all the science sorties. And this here is my baby."

Trudy was cool. She looked like one of the people that you would see in an off road bike magazine. "Hold on a second. Hey, Wainfleet! Get it done! We bounce at zero-nine!" She instructed a man getting a gun attached to the helicopter-like thing. 

"Yeah, I'm on it capitaine!" 

"Vine strike's still loose." Trudy said as she jumped off of the chopper. 

"You guys are packing some heavy gear." Jake pointed out. 

"Watch it!" I hissed at Jake as he almost got run over by a little hover car thingie. 

"Yeah, that's 'cause we're not the only thing flying around out there." Trudy explained answering Jake's question, "or the biggest. I'm gonna need you on a door gun. I'm a man short."

"I'd thought you'd never ask." Jake responded sarcastically with a slight chuckle.

"There's your man. See you on the flight line." Trudy fistbumped Jake as he rolled away toward a guy who was bench pressing. I walked away with trudy and we found ourselves talking a lot. Turns out that we both like old 80's music, great dane dogs and Marvel Movies. I got Tommy and Jake to watch a Marvel movie one time but that wasn't an easy task.  

"Come on guys! They are like the best movies ever! Can you just watch one PLEASE!"

"(Y/N/N) we dont wanna watch one of your stupid movies! They're just about superheros! Also they are old, nobody likes old movies, right Tommy?" Little Jake asked.

"I don't know Jake maybe we could give one a chance?" Tom asked 

"Fine only because you say so. If I hate it it's your fault you hear me Tommy?

By the end of the movie both boys were passed out on the couch asleep. I guess a 3 hour movie is not good for two rambunctious boys who cannot sit still. 

"So, Trudy what did you when you were little?" I asked her.

"Well, I wasn't always so tough. I really loved plays. They were my favorite thing to do. Every Saturday my mom took me to see a play, because there was a theater around the block from my house. Then I told my crush about my love for plays and he started coming to the plays with me. Everytime an actor and actress would kiss we had a little game where we had to kiss too. The only reason why we didn't date like normal people was that because his parents didn't approve of him dating. They wanted him to be a doctor or a lawyer or some shit like that so he always was studying. We were so close, then we went to college and had to split apart. I wonder where he is now." Trudy wistfully declared.

"What was his name?" I asked her

"Norm. Norm Spellman. I wonder where he disappeared to...."

At this point my jaw dropped. NORM AND TRUDY WERE A THING I SHIP IT OH MAH GODDDDDDDDD!!! I need to get them together. Trudy must've noticed my stupid face because she looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "Come here." I said and grabbed her wrist. I ran down to the 'science nerd' wing as Norm and Jake call it. "NOOOOOOORM! GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE!" I wasn't paying attention as I crashed into Grace. "Grace where is Norm. I need to know NOW." She looked at me like I was crazy (hunh that's becoming pretty common) and pointed to his quarters. Trudy still didn't know what was going on. 

Flying down the hall to Norm's room I knocked on his door like a crazy psychopath. "Norm. Norm. Norm. Norm. Norm. Open. Up. Now." 

"What do you want (Y/N)." He slurred out, half asleep. Since I was tall, (I wear size 13 men's nikes) Trudy was small enough to hide behind me. I ripped her out from behind my back and shoved her into Norm. Then I shoved the two of them into Norm's bedroom and shut the door. I heard some slight conversation then all went silent. I opened the door a little bit to see them kissing, like damn they missed each other. I walked away content. My work here was done. 


A/N ~ So I know that this is not part of the actual movie, I just ship Trudy and Norm together and your character is not going to be working with Colonial Miles, so I thought this would be a good filler for when Jake is talking with the Colonel. See Ya!

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