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Neytiri spread white paint over my body. Jake was getting his paint done by Tsu'tey on the other side of the burning fire in between us. Tsu'tey told me that the Na'vi believe that everybody is born twice, and the second time is when you become a part of the people forever. "You are ready." Neytiri declared. Neytiri and Tsu'tey instructed Jake and I to hold hands as we made it up the middle of the tree, the Toruk skull staring down at us. 

"You are now a son and daughter of the Omaticaya." Eytukan chanted as the ritual commenced, "You are part of the people."

He placed one hand of each of us, then Neytiri placed her hands on Jake, Tsu'tey's hands on me. The Na'vi people placed their hands on each other creating a web of arms surrounding us. I could hear someone sniffling behind me and turned to see Grace crying. Aww, Grace. After the ritual was done there was a party that lasted all day, until Tsu'tey whisked me away into the forest at night. 



This party was getting boring. I grabbed (Y/N)'s arm and ran with her into the forest.. I wanted to show her the Utraya Mokri tonight. She had gotten very much involved with the Na'vi culture and I bet if someone new came into our clan, they would recognize her as one of us. The trees glowed as we approached them, and I ran my arm through the branches. I stopped her in a clearing with all of the trees surrounding us. "This is a place for prayers to be herd. And sometimes answered." I said with a smile.

 I grabbed three strands of the glowing branches, and wrapped my queue around them. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her do the same. She sighed when she made the bond. "We call these trees Utraya Mokri, The Tree of Voices. The voices of our ancestors."

Her eyes widened when she herd the voices ring throughout the tree. "I-I can hear them." she stated, "They live." 

"Within Eywa." I finished, "You are Omaticaya now. You may make your bow form the wood of the Hometree." 

"Tsu'tey, for your teaching tonight I have brought something special. My dad's Walkman." she sighed, "My dad died from the same infection that I lost my arm to, but she gave me this. It plays the music that I was talking about." 

(Y/N) handed me a little box with cords coming out of it. "You put the headphones in your ears and press this button."

I slid the 'headphones' into my large ears, and pressed the green button that she was pointing to. Immediately music started playing. 

You got a smile that makes the sun rise
You make it shine
But I can see that you don't realize
And that's what made me fall in love

(Y/N) was looking  up at the magnificent trees around us, her queue still attached to the branches. She giggled when she herd the little voices of children.  

Cause you got style, the way your body makes my heart beat sound
It's amazing, all the time you are the only thing I need
In life, oh I want you, can't you see?
I want you, I believe, 'cause I want you, here with me
I'm gonna go crazy, I'm gonna go crazy for love

My heart sped up at the sight of her, her smile lighting up the trees even more. A seed landed on her hand and she stroked the fibers of it. 

I look at you and know it's all rightYou read my mindBut I can see that you don't realizeAnd that's what made me fall in love

I looked over at her and saw seeds surrounding her whole body. I chuckled at the silly sight as she just stuck her tongue out at me in a playful manner. 

Cause you got style, the way your body makes my heart beat sound
It's amazing, all the time you are the only thing I need
In life, oh I want you, can't you see?
I want you, I believe, 'cause I want you, here with me
I'm gonna go crazy, I'm gonna go crazy for love

The seeds slowly drifted off of her body and she took in her surroundings again. 

I don't need another love, yeah, we do this
Everyday, we do this love for life...

You got a smile that makes the sun rise
You make it shine
But I can see that you don't realize
And that's what made me fall in love

I smiled at her actions, and she smiled back. Am I falling for a sky person? 

'Cause you got style, the way your body makes my heart beat sound
It's amazing, all the time you are the only thing I need
In life, oh I want you, can't you see?
I want you, I believe, 'cause I want you, here with me
I'm gonna go crazy, I'm gonna go crazy for love

I love her. 

 As the song finished, I took the headphones out of my ears. I slowly reached for her face, where her defined cheekbones rest. As we leaned in my eyes started to close. I wanted this, I needed this. As our lips were centimeters away, we herd a rustle in the branches. (Y/N) jolted away from me and looked in the direction of the sound. There we saw Jake and Neytiri practically eating each other, mating. Dammit Jake! You had to ruin my moment!  I look over at (Y/N) and she makes a face like she is gagging. I had to cover my mouth to suppress my laughter, but I could only hope that that could be me and (Y/N) one day.  


(A/N The song isn't mine, It belongs to Mondays. P.S. @Grlsrulfrevr I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY!!!)

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