Quaritch and Selfridge

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Grace just fell down unconscious into (Y/N)'s arms. All of the blue color drained from (Y/N)'s face. "Oh no." I herd Jake mutter. Something must be happening with the links. As if on queue, (Y/N) fell next. Jake's eyes went wide "Okay look, I was sent here to..." he breathed before he too fell to the ground. 

Eytukan looked over at Jake and gave a nod. I don't want to kill him, but Eytukan is the chief and as head warrior, I must obey his orders. Putting my warrior face on I leaped over and straddled Jake's body. Grunting I held his queue in his left hand and placed my curved dagger to my neck. "You see? It is a demon in a false body." I shouted to the group. Suddenly I was hit by a hard force, launching me to the ground causing my nose to bleed a little more. Neytiri stood protectively over Jake. Walking over to display dominance, Neytiri's gaze went a little softer. 

"I know you don't want this Tsu'tey." she whispered. 


(Y/N)'s POV

My link opened and I saw the Colonel strutting over to Jake's. He pressed the red button to shut down the link and immediately the top sprang open. "ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR GODDAMN MIND?!" Jake exclaimed with a small voice crack. 

"You crossed the line." Miles stated, before landing a punch straight to Jake's jaw sending him back hitting the link. "Wheel this meat outta here."


"What the hell is going on here?"


We surrounded a computer screen showing footage of Jake breaking the cameras of the bulldozer. "You let me down, son." Miles Quaritch sighed, "So what, you find yourself some local tail and you just completely forget what team you're playing for?" 

"Parker, there is time to salvage this situation." Grace interrupted. "Parker..."

"Shut your pie hole!" Quaritch demanded. That son of a bitch. 

"Or what Ranger Rick? You gonna shoot me?" Grace snapped back. It's official. Grace Augustine is my spirit animal. 

"I can do that."

"You need to muzzle your dog." I addressed not that subtle. 

"Yeah, can we just take this down a few notches?" Parker interjected.

"You say you want to keep your people alive?" Jake asked, "You start by listening to them."

"Those trees were sacred to the Omaticaya in a way you can't imagine." I tried. 

"You know what?" Parker retorted, "You throw a stick in the air around here, it's gonna land on some sacred fern, for Christ sake!" 

Can I please smack him? "Watch it Selfridge." I warned instead, and by the looks of his terrified expression I think he got the hint. 

"We're not talking about some kind of pagan voodoo here, we're talking about something real, something measurable in the biology of the forest." Grace explained. 

"Which is what exactly?" Selfridge said with a small bit of confidence that withered away when I glared at him. 

"What we think we know is that there's some kind of electrochemical communication between the roots of the trees, like the synapses between neurons. And each tree has ten-to-the-fourth connections to the trees around it. And there are ten-to-the-twelfth trees on Pandora." 

"W-which is a lot, I'm guessing."

It was my turn to try and shove the information into his tiny brain. "It's more connections than the human brain. Get it now? It's a network. It's a global network and the Na'vi can access it." 

"They can upload and download data. Memories. At sites like the one you just destroyed."


Parker's face went from absolute confusion to a smug smile, "What the hell have you people been smoking out there? They're just goddamn trees!" 

"You need to wake up Parker!"

"No. You need to wake up Grace."

"The wealth of this world isn't in the ground. It's all around us."

"The Na'vi know that, and they are fighting to defend it. If you wanna share this world with them, you need to understand them." I scolded. 

"I'd say we understand them just fine thanks to Jake here." The colonel said as he pulled up a video on a computer screen. "Hey, Doc, Tin Man, come take a look." DID THAT LITTLE ASSHOLE CALL ME TIN MAN! I WILL GET REVENGE! It took all my willpower not to sock him in the jaw and rip his face apart as Grace and I turned our attention to the computer monitor. 

"They're not gonna give up their home. " a recorded Jake said, "They're not gonna make a deal. For what? Lite beer? And blue jeans? There's nothing that we have that they want. Everything that they sent me out here to do is a waste of time. They're never gonna leave Hometree."

I stared at the computer screen in disbelief and anger. That's one more person to add to the list of assholes. "So, since a deal can't be made I guess things get real simple. Jake, thanks. I'm getting all emotional. I might just give you a big wet kiss." OH BARF. That's it. 



Parker played with the small amount of unobtanium on his desk. "I'll do it with minimal casualties to the indigenous." Miles told him, "I'll drive them out with gas first. It'll be humane. More or less."

"All right, let's pull the trigger."


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