Grace Is With Eywa Now

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Jake came back from the link, looking a little sad. Grace was still lying there, but after a lot of persuasion, I let her look at her records. 

"They are allowing us to help Grace at nightfall."

"How'd you get accepted into the clan." Norm asked, completely clueless about how Tsu'tey got him to get Grace some help. 

"I just became Toruk Macto." Jake responded with a shrug.

"WHAT! You JUST became Toruk Macto! You do realize that you are freaking sacred now right? You don't JUST become Toruk Macto!" I screamed. This was it. If Jake is Toruk Macto then the world must be ending. As I continued to go ballistic Jake went back to attending to Grace. Norm and Trudy went around doing who knows what as we all awaited for nightfall. 


The Na'vi all had their queues attached to the ground, each one making a blue glow each time they chanted the glows got brighter, kind of like how a heart pumps. The air was laced with sadness as I carried Grace through the people. Jake and Norm carried Grace's avatar, Neytiri following me and Tsu'tey following the boys. "Look where we are Grace." I whispered.

Grace looked up and around and saw the magnificent trees around us. She had vines covering her body and she looked at me with tired eyes before saying, "I need to take some samples." 

She continued to look around as I chuckled at her remark. Mo'at helped Norm and Jake lay the avatar in the right position before turning to me. Her hands reached out and helped me place her too. The tree roots around her lit up the same blue as where the people's queue's were. Small hairs crept up her sides as the tree continued to pulse. 

"The Great Mother may choose to save all that she is in this body." Mo'at lectured. Jake and I held hand in hand and gazed at Grace's body, Norm, Tsu'tey and Neytiri behind. 

"Is that possible?" Jake whispered.

"She must pass through the eye of Eywa and return."

Norm and I looked at each other and then looked at Grace, we too held hands. My breath was starting to get heavy as I was losing faith, but I still held strong. 

"But Jakesully, she is very weak." Mo'at interrupted my thinking. 

"Hang on Grace. They're gonna fix you up." I murmured to Grace as Mo'at stood up and began to take part in the ritual. The Na'vi were moving in a synchronized motion, making circles as the tree continued to pulse with the energy. 

"Hear us please, All Mother." she cried.

"Eywa help her." the clan chanted.

"Take this spirit into you..."

"Eywa help her."

"And breathe her back to us."

"Eywa help her."

"Let her walk among us..."

"Eywa help her."

"As one of the people."

"Eywa help her."

Mo'at chanted some words that I had never herd of before and threw her head back. The strings had almost fully covered Grace's entire body by now and the tree was glowing more than ever. Suddenly Mo'at stopped chanting. She turned around and looked back at the Graces and held a hand up to stop the chanting. Everyone held their breathing as Grace 's human one started breathing again. "(Y/N)...Jake." she breathed out.

We rushed and grabbed her outstretched hand, feeling it's coldness. "Grace." Jake called.

"I'm with her guys. She's real." Grace said with gazed eyes.

"Grace? Grace, please. Grace!" Jake and I pleaded. I saw Neytiri and Tsu'tey move but I don't really care about them right now. Grace's hand went limp in mine and her eyes closed. The blue light around her fell dark as she now rest in eternal slumber. Mo'at waved her hands to try to revive the magic, but it faded from the whole area. 

"Did it work?" Jake asked Mo'at with a little hope. 

Grace's avatar body never moved. "Her wounds were too great. It was not enough time. She is with Eywa now."

I removed Grace's mask and set it beside her. I could tell Jake was trying not to cry, be tough, but I couldn't help it. Tears slipped down from my eyes. The clan was also crying, families huddled together in hugs. The tears continued to slip down from my face as I felt two masculine arms wrap around me. I didn't care who it was, but when I looked up to see Jake and Neytiri getting close I then realized that it was Tsu'tey. I felt something drop onto my back. It was wet. Then I felt his chest heave at an irregular pattern. Tsu'tey was crying. 

Once we broke apart Jake and Neytiri came up to us and asked, "With your permission, I will speak now." 


(A/N~ Sorry to ruin the mood but 1K reads! OH MY THOR THANKS SO MUCH. I'm working on the next chapter right now so expect an update later today!)

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