Lost on Pandora

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"The links are ready." Max said

I climbed into my link bay. The lid closed on top of me and I woke up in my avatar body in the hut that we fell asleep in last night. "Good morning boys!" I called out to Norm and Jake who were also waking up.

"Hey (Y/N), ready to go out in the field today for the first time?" Norm asked.

"Yeah, you?"

"Hell yes!" I giggled at Norm's actions. This was Tommy's dream to be out here. Hey Tom. If you can, like, hear me or whatever, know that we are doing it. We're finally here! "You guys ready?" Grace called out to us. We boarded Trudy's chopper and set off to go into the Pandoran wilderness.


We flew over an ocean and saw a colony of "bird-like" things. Pandora was so beautiful and we haven't even stepped out of the chopper yet. Jake and Norm were acting like 5 year olds while looking out of the plane in wonder. We circled giant trees, and went over a waterfall. "Whooooooo!" Jake called out as we plunged down toward the water. Let's just say Trudy is a very exciting driver.

We landed in a small clearing in the lush forest. Jake jumped out immediately with his gun and pointed it around. We shouldn't have given him a gun. Grace jumped down next and told Trudy to cut the engines. "Shut it down we're gonna stay awhile." Norm and I jumped out next. "Man. Tommy would've loved this." Jake thought out loud. "Yeah, he would be pointing out every plant in this forest." I laughed with Jake. Knowing Norm, he forgot his pack. "Norm. Your pack." Grace called before turning to a soldier "Stay with the ship. One idiot with a gun is enough." The soldier nodded in response and we trekked into the forest. Why is Jake leading?

As we continued to walk, Jake pointed his gun at every sound we herd. A couple of Prolemuris came our way and immediately Jake held his gun up. "Prolemuris. They're not aggressive." Grace educated Jake. "Relax, Marine. You're making me nervous."

"So how will they know we're here?" Norm asked.

"Well, I'm sure they're watching us right now." I answered. "Now keep up Norm."


Grace inserted a syringe into the root of a plant. "And here I go."

"Scanning..." I murmured as Norm held a tablet with the roots pulsing on it.

"Oh wow! It's that fast?" He breathed.

"Amazing isn't it?" Grace chuckled at our amazed faces. "So, that is signal transduction from this root to the root of the tree next to it. So we should take a sample."

"Okay, sample." I said as I started to take the sample. Suddenly it seemed as though Jake got bored of just standing guard and started to wander off. "Guys, I'm gonna follow Jake and make sure that he doesn't get into trouble."

"Okay (Y/N), good idea. We can't trust that moron." Grace said as she rolled her eyes.

I got up off of the ground and followed where Jake went to see him playing with some of the Helicoradian plants. He touched one and it shrunk down. He traveled farther into the cluster of plants and touched another one. This time all of them shrunk down to reveal an angry hammerhead. I gasped and hid behind a tree. Jake held up his gun at the Hammerhead and it started to come towards him. "Don't shoot. Jake if you want to live Do. Not. Shoot." I told him. Now the Hammerhead started thrashing its head from side to side causing the trees to fall down next to it. "It's a territorial threat display. Do not run, or he'll charge." Grace instructed Jake. "So what do I do, dance with it? Jake asked. "No just hold your ground dumbass." I snapped. Jake ran up to it as it started to charge. "YAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"

Suddenly the Hammerhead ran away. Jake being the coky ass that he is he started to think that he actually did a good job. Then I turned around and saw an angry Thanator behind me. "Jake...." I called nervously. "Oh crap. So what about this one? Run? Don't run?" Jake asked.

"Run! Definitely run!" Grace cried.

Jake and i started sprinting off into the woods. but the Thanator was still after us. I dove into a tree with roots, pulling jake with me creating some sort of a shield. The Thanator started to rip apart the roots, and Jake started to shoot at it. The Thanator ripped the gun out of Jake's hands and started to rip apart the roots. We wiggled out and started to run into the forest again, with the Thanator right on our tails. "JAKE!" I shouted as the Thanator grabbed Jake by the backpack and lifted him off the ground. Jake shimmied out of his backpack and kept running. As we kept running we neared a cliff edge. There was no other choice than to jump off of the cliff. As we were falling we saw the Thanator at the top a little pissed that he didn't get us. Thank God the cliff had a decent amount of water at the bottom and now we were gasping for air wading to the end of the riverbank.


Night drew upon us and Jake is creating something with his shirt. he pulled out his matches and lit the makeshift torch on fire. "Jake. Put out the fire. It'll draw attention to us."

"No (Y/N) we need the fire so we can defend ourselves."

"I'm telling you to put it out Jake."

"We are not putting the fire ou....." Before Jake could finish his sentence, the small laughs of a viperwolf are herd.

"I told you so" I said trying to hide the fear in my voice. Jake waves the fire around as we try to run away but the viperwolves are still following us. Now they have surrounded us. The creatures start hissing and Jake says "I don't have all goddamn night."

Almost right on queue the viperwolves start attacking us. I fight some off hand to hand while Jake is whacking them with the torch. Now Jake pulls out his knife and attempts to fight them that way because the torch wasn't good enough apparently. We were obviously losing when out of the shadows, a Na'vi woman shoots one and kills it. She starts helping us fend off the viperwolves. Once they have run away she put's Jake's fire goes over to the one that has been shot. I lower my head because it has never been in my nature to kill animals, even if they were attacking us. The Na'vi girl goes over to the viper wolf and starts chanting in the Na'vi language. I recognize that as what they do before they really kill an animal. Now I take in the time to really look at Pandora's beauty. The glow of the bioluminescent plants are very captivating and beautiful. Then I hear crunching beside me. "I know you probably don't understand this, but thank you." Jake says. I give him a slap on the back of the head. The Na'vi woman starts to walk into the forest and Jake starts to follow her. I tried to get him to stay but he is a rock. One he commits on something he does it. He chases the woman through the forest. "Hey I just wanted to thank you, for killing those things." Jake got out, but then the woman turned swiftly and smacked him with her bow. "Don't thank." She hisses. I'm trying to stifle my laughter as she says "Very sad. Very sad only."
"Okay. I'm sorry. Whatever I did I'm sorry." Jake and the woman argue a bit more before it gets more heated. She runs off again and Jake follows her again, dragging me with him. The argument gets more like a squabble as we walk across a tree. "... Look, maybe you should teach me?"
"Sky people cannot learn. You do not see."
"Well the teach us how to see."
"No one can teach you to see."
They squabble a bit more and it starts to worry me. She is about to tell him off once and for all until I see it. Then she sees it. Jake just looks up because he has no idea what we are looking at. They cascade down onto Jake and I's shoulders and heads. Jake starts to slap one away, but I stop him. "What are they?" Jakes asks.
"Seeds of the Sacred Tree. Very pure spirits." The Na'vi says. Suddenly she grabs our wrists. "Come."

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