The Fight Pt. 2

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My heart was beating faster than ever as I flew behind Jake and Tsu'tey. The red and orange Toruk dove when we reached over the fleet of aircraft. "YAH!" I shouted, before I make my Ikran crash on top of a chopper. It made the fighter lose control and fly into the mountain causing his plane to explode. Once that was taken care of I flew back over top of all of the flying objects. Holy crap there is a lot. I raised my bow into the air and released, making the window shatter, killing the guy inside of the chopper. Two down, a lot to go. As the Ikrans flew upon the flying objects the ships slowly started falling.

The ships started to break their formation, coming after each of us. That's when it happened. They started to release the guns. The sound of bullets mixed with the squawking was in the air and everything was hectic. Ikrans start falling from the air as the ships follow after them with guns. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Jake smashing two choppers together. The crashed onto the ship that they were rigging as a bomber causing it to tilt. Jake pulled out his gun ans started to shoot other choppers down. I circled around the largest ship and started to take out the gunmen on top one by one. I was really close to getting the last one when he shot at me. The bullet grazed my arm, causing it to bleed but it didn't do any damage.

The fight continued, but then the smallest planes started to fire out missiles. They flew down to the forest, and I could see the small explosions from my point in the sky. I whipped my head around to see the mothership, the Dragon, fly around a mountain. "(Y/N)! Hide!" I herd Jake scream from behind me. Jake flew out of sight, but the Colonel saw me.

Missiles started to shoot towards me as I tried to escape. Serpentine! Serpentine! Serpentine! Suddenly Neytiri and Tsu'tey flew in front of me, people shooting at their tails. The Colonel must've found me again because a missile flew and hit the mountain right behind me. Suddenly the missiles stopped and I herd bullets hit metal. Whipping around I saw Trudy's ship, blue warpaint and all shooting at the Dragon. They focused their fire on her instead of me now, the mountains protecting her. Her chopper was hit, and loosing control.

Tsu'tey's Ikran flew past mine and he jumped off of it, getting onto a ship. He shot one of the people with an arrow, killing him, then he started whipping his bow around, hitting the other people. One person reached for a gun and started to shoot at Tsu'tey, causing him to fall off of the ship into the forest.

Trudy's chopper caught my attention again. It was on fire and spiraling out of control. One last missile shot right at Trudy's ship. The whole thing burst in flames as it cascaded down to the mountain, and exploded.

"Tsu'tey, brother do you read? Rouge One, you copy? Trudy!" I herd Jake cry through our mini talk system.

I saw the bomber move toward the Tree of Souls, nothing stopping it.

"Ma Jake!" Neytiri called through the talk system.

"I read you." he responded to her.

"Neytiri!" I cried through the system, happy to know that my friend is still alive.

"Seyzey's dead. They are very close. There are many."

I realized what she was going to do. "Do not attack!"

"Do you read us Neytiri? Do not attack! Fall back now. Get out of there! That's an order!"


"Jake." she breathed, "Eywa had herd you."

At first I was a little bit confused, the ship was still heading to the tree. Then I herd it. The unmistakable sound of an Ikran. I looked behind me, there were dozens falling off of the cliffs. They cascaded down upon the ships. The ships started to fire once again, but there were far too many Ikrans. They were tearing the ships apart. "Come on!" Jake called to me and together we flew to help out the Ikrans.



Tsu'tey was running in the forest, following the viperwolves that were attacking the humans. He drew his bow and arrow and shot one. He herd a little yelp and looked over and saw Neytiri doing the same. Suddenly they herd a low growl. A thanator approached them and they looked in fear. Then it did something unexpected. It lowered it's head, motioning for one of them to make tsahaylu. Tsu'tey boarded first and then Neytiri.


The ship continued to press to the Tree of Souls, the Ikrans doing it no harm. Jake and (Y/N) locked eyes and headed for the large ship. They jumped off of their Ikrans (or Toruk in Jake's case) and tumbled onto the ship. They both went over and killed the people who were manning the guns. The people started to push the dynamite out of the aircraft, but Jake took a grenade off of his belt and pulled the plug, throwing it into the air vent. The two hopped off of the plane before it could blow up. The grenade exploded, causing the whole aircraft to fly off course and crash to the ground, protecting the Tree of Souls.

The dragon was still flying. The dragon also had Quaritch. (Y/N) and Jake flew over there and hopped on top of that ship, but (Y/N) threw the grenade this time. The Colonel must've seen them, because suddenly the ship tilted, making Jake and (Y/N) lose their balance. The grenade got caught in an exhaust hole, and blew the ship up. The grenade caused the cockpit of the ship to explode, letting the Pandorian air in. The crew inside scrambled for masks, as the ship lost control. Jake was trying to lodge one of the missiles into the blades, but Quaritch saw him. The Colonel raced down a corridor, holding his breath the whole time. Just as Jake and (Y/N) were going to lodge the missile in, Quaritch shot at them, causing them to fall off.

Somehow the missile did get lodged in when Jake dropped it, causing the chopper to blow up. As the Dragon was falling toward the ground, Quaritch hopped in an ampsuit and hopped out of the burning ship. to where Jake and (Y/N) were.

This guy just can't die can he?


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