Goodbye Sky People

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It's been a week since we announced for the humans to get their things. Jake and I are constantly in the link bays, but he keeps thinking I'm not doing okay without my arm.

"(Y/N)? You okay? You're zoning out." Jake said. We were in the base, Jake was reading Grace's book and I was working on my arm.

"I'm fine."

"You don't look fine."

"Then stop looking dumbass."


With a huff I turned back to my arm. I mean I'm no Tony Stark, but I can fix some things. This arm was a struggle though. Parker cut right through the joint so I have to figure out how to attach it so it will be able to bend and function like a normal arm. We found Norm in the forest a little while ago so he was here too.

"Guys, it's almost morning." he announced, "You two should get linked soon. (Y/N), I can see if I can do anything about your arm while you're in there."

"Mkay, let's go Jake."


I woke up next to Tsu'tey. We had gotten closer over the past two weeks, considering that I had to ride on his back if we were climbing anything. Jake and Neytiri were officially a thing now, they have mated more than once if you know what I mean.

"Hey. Tsu'tey. Wake up."

He groaned before rolling over and facing away from me. "Ugh, don't make me do this."

I reached down to a little below his waist, his sweet spot. I reached down with an evil grin and tickled it roughly. He shot up out of his sleeping position and scowled at me. "Really (Y/N)?"

"We have to go kick out the sky people!"

"Fine get on."


We arrived at the base with bows and arrows. Many of the Na'vi were there, so that no people were left on Pandora. The blasting roar of rockets blasted in the sky as the giant ship came down to pick up the people. Jake and I went to the door and instructed everyone to file out of the building into the ship. Everyone had their things and their masks on as Jake opened the door.

"Okay people." I announced, "It's time to go home."

Parker scowled at me before grinning evilly, "What makes you think we'll listen to you?"

"Parker, please don't do anything you won't regret. I'm in my Na'vi body so I can hurt you even more easily."

"Parker, (Y/N). This is the last time you two will see each other so can you maybe not kill him so he can get back to Earth?" Jake tried to reason.

"Fine. Everyone, you have an hour to get on that ship. Anyone who is left here when that thing takes off then you will be exterminated, so I suggest you get moving." I announced before walking back out the door and getting into formation with the other Na'vi.

People started to file out of the base and into the ship. It was a steady stream of people, but Parker was not able to be seen. That bastard better get out here. I continued to look for Selfridge and soon, there was only 5 minutes before the ship was going to take off. One minute. Everyone from the base was on the ship, it was still only Selfridge. The ship was starting to fire up, it's door almost closing before Parker decided to come out. He was walking down the isle like it was a runway. His face showed utter disgust so I shot him a smirk before he too got on the ship.

The ship took off, leaving Pandora behind. Once the ship disappeared into the atmosphere, everyone cried out in celebration. Jake and I looked at each other. I felt a little guilty, and so did Jake. Let's find a new hometree.


Jake and I had been looking all day, but we were losing hope. There were no trees as big as Hometree. It was starting to become dark and the forest's luminescent plants were starting to glow.

"It was really our fault that Hometree fell. If it weren't for us the Na'vi would be fine right now." I sighed.

"Hey don't look at it that way. We saved the Tree of Souls, I became Toruk Macto, and you took over kicking our the humans."

"I guess you could look at it that way."

"Also if we didn't come to Pandora you wouldn't become Aunt (Y/N) in a couple of months." Jake said with a smirk.


Jake laughed at my reaction before an evil smile came across his face. "What about you and Tsu'tey."

My avatar face flushed deep purple out of embarrassment, "W-we haven't even kissed yet."

"But you want to."

"No! Maybe, yes. Yes I do."

"Okay enough of this talk lets get back to the clan."


Back at the tree of souls the clan was having a celebratory dinner, but Tsu'tey looked really bored.

"Did Jake tell you yet?" Tsu'tey asked me trying to make small talk.

"Tell me what?"

"That him and Neytiri are -ahem- gonna have a kid?"

"Oh yeah. I'm exited. I'm not able to have kids in my human body so I've always wanted to be an aunt."

"Huh, cool......... Hey (Y/N), I'm bored."

"Me too."

"You wanna get out of here?"


We ran into the forest and found a spot among the ground surrounded by the glowing aura of the plants. I hope Norm figured out a way to fix my arm. I wanna climb again. Tsu'tey's golden eyes met mine and we smiled a little. Just as we were about to lean in a herd of direhorses split us apart. When they cleared I herd a loud groan from the tree. Suddenly someone, it sounded like Jake, called out "I'm done! Neytiri get (Y/N)."

Suddenly two hands were placed on my back shoving me closet to Tsu'tey. I could see Jake behind Tsu'tey pushing him. Once we were at a reasonable distance, Neytiri gave a hard shove, making my lips lock with Tsu'tey's. At first we were both surprised before he started to kiss back.

Everything started to revolve around us as we kissed and time started to stand still. Jake was fangirling so hard right now that Neytiri had to put a hand over his mouth to silence his screams. The kiss only lasted a few seconds before Tsu'tey and I pulled apart. He was smiling at me still, signaling that he liked it. I couldn't help but smile and giggle a bit at his silly expression but this was obviously one of the best moments of my life.


(A/N~ This chapter is for@FayaSalazar and @Grlsrulfrevr. I tried to get some of each of your requests in this chapter. Also the next chapter is the last one 😥😥)

Sky People Can't See (Tsu'Tey x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now