Hallelujah Mountains

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"So they live in a really big tree." I told the scientists, "Your scan doesn't show the whole thing. There is an outer row of columns, supporting the tree, and then there is another ring in the middle. In the middle of that, there is a spiral core, which they use to travel up and down the tree." 

"I'd love to hear more, but I should probably go find Jake." Max requested. 

"Sure thing Max. You should bring up his first day of training."



I walked down the hallways, every one in the science wing, but there was no sign of Jake anywhere. Continuing to walk again for about 5 minutes, I climbed the stairs to the control tower/HQ area. 

"So what else can you tell us about the structure?" Colonel Miles asked. Why in the world is Jake talking to Miles about the structure of the tree that (Y/N) was just telling us about? 

"I'm guessing this secondary ring, that's also load-bearing." Jake responded



Max just told us what Jake was doing. I cannot believe that he is actually going behind our backs! Who knows what the Colonel was going to do with that information! He isn't only betraying us, he is betraying the Omaticaya people too! 

"We're moving out." Grace decided. "We can take the small research base into the woods and we can do our research there. That way Jake can't mess anything up."

5 minutes later we were all packed. I had told Jake to pack his things up and lo and behold, he came rolling in. "So where are we going?" He asked.

"Getting out of Dodge. I'm not about to let Selfridge and Quaritch micro-manage this thing." Grace scolded Jake. 

"There's a mobile link up at site 26 we can work out of, way up in the mountains." I told him as i packed my stuff into my duffel.

"The Hallelujah Mountains?" Norm quizzed.

"That's right."

Norm and I fangirled a little bit. We had read about the Hallelujah Mountains in our studies on Earth. They seemed just so magical and I already know that a textbook cannot cannot capture the beauty that I was going to see. Tommy would have loved this. Then me and Norm both look over and see Jake. As usual he is being a butthead and doesn't know anything.

"The legendary flying mountains of Pandora. Herd of them?" Norm pressed. Seriously something was going on with them.


The chopper flew through the Pandorian sky towing Grace and Norm's Avatars.  "We're getting close." Grace observed as we flew through the mist.

"Yeah, look at my instruments." Trudy chuckled, with Norm by her side. I sat squished between Jake and Grace and trust me Jake needs to put on some deodorant from time to time. 

"Yup, we're on the Flux Vortex." 

"We're VFR from here on."

"What's VFR?" Norm questioned. 

"Means you gotta see where you're going."

"Exactly. Ain't that a bitch." Trudy laughed.

As we went deeper into the fog, me and Norm's eyes grew. Eventually trees started to poke into view. We crept a little deeper into the fogginess and I saw them.  Hanging from the sky these huge chunks of land were magically floating. Waterfalls cascaded down some of them and vines others.  Nothing can describe how beautiful they were. "OH MY GOD..... The textbook cannot even come close to the beauty of this." I thought out loud.

"Yeah..." Norm breathed.

"Heh, you should see your faces." Trudy laughed.

"Hey (Y/N), this reminds me of the time when you, me and Tommy were playing Pandora in the backyard." Jake mumbled out as he too was marveling at the mountains

I giggled at the memory. It was when my family went over to their house for dinner. We often played Pandora and pretended we were Na'vi people. This special dinner though, a book just came out about the Hallelujah Mountains. Tom and I read the book together the hour it came to the library. From then on we were fascinated with them. 

I hung the last piece of rope around a branch of the old oak tree. "Finished you guys!" I exclaimed.

"Good now LETS EXPLORE THE HALLELUJAH MOUNTAINS!" Tommy screamed. Jake, Tommy and I ran though the many ropes that we through over the branches, each indicating a floating mountain.  "(Y/N)! I found some more Na'vi people! We can add them to our tribe!" Jake excitedly announced. The army men he pointed to were painted blue, to look like Na'vi people. We added them to our pile in the center of the yard. After we found a couple more "Na'vi" people Jake pulled out his action figures. "OH NO! BAD GUYS!" Tommy squealed.

"They are attacking our tribe!" I cried.

"We must defeat them!" Jake demanded. 

So the three kids ended up destroying the action figures and saved the Na'vi people once again!

"I remember that. That was a fun night." I recalled

"You two used to play Pandora when you were little? Really?" Grace asked us sarcastically. So for the rest of the flight Jake and I educated Grace of the many adventures that we had as kids.


"Thank you for flying Air Pandora." Trudy vocalized like a flight attendant as we hopped out of the plane and went into our new base. 


A/N ~ Sorry for the short chapter! I didn't get started with this one as early as usual so I just decided to do a memory/filler chapter. Hope you are enjoying so far!

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