Rounding The Clans

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"With your permission I will speak now." Jake requested, "You would honor me by translating." 

Tsu'tey gave a small nod before the two turned to the clan. I went to the center with Neytiri and we joined hands. 

"The Sky People have sent us a message."

"That they can take whatever they want."

"And no one can stop them."

"Well we will send them a message." Jake continued, the conversation started getting more intense.

"You ride out as fast as the wind can carry you."

"You tell the other clans to come." 

Now the people were all standing. Jake knew how to give a good pep talk. They started to give little yips in response to his words. 

"You tell them Toruk Macto calls to them." Jake announced as he pointed a finger to his chest. 

"And you fly now, with me!"

"My brothers! Sisters!"

"And we will show the Sky People, that they cannot take whatever they want!"

"And that this..."


"THIS IS OUR LAND!" I cried out along with all of the other people in the clan. Everyone was hooting and had their hands up. They were ready for this fight. Jake then grabbed Neytiri and I's hands and led us to the Toruk. Jake yelled out, then Toruk let out a might roar before it left the ground and flew off to the other clans. The Na'vi were now climbing to follow Toruk and gather other clans to help out with this war. They got onto their Ikrans and followed us out into the sunrise. 


We rode out to the Four winds. We stopped at the horse clans first. Jake made another speech there, much like the last one. They joined our war party. Next we flew to the Eastern Sea, where the Ikran people lived. I have learned that when the Toruk Macto called, people listened. Over the next few days, more and more people came together. I had braided Jake's hair to look traditional and he was taking this very seriously, as was I. Nor did we know that Quaritch was making the same pep talk to the people at the base. 


"Everyone on this base, every one of you, is fighting for survival." the Colonel spoke out, "That's a fact! There's an aboriginal horde out there massing for an attack."

The shutters covered the windows and made the whole room almost black. Miles tapped a few buttons and a holographic screen popped up, getting a map of the Tree of Souls. 

"Now these orbital images tell me that the hostiles' numbers have gone from a few hundred to well over two thousand in one day. And more are pouring in." 

The room seemed to light up yellow because of the graphics as Quaritch continued to speak and show the images. "In a week's time, there could be twenty thousand of them. At that point they will overrun our perimeter. Well, that's not gonna happen! Our only security is in pre-emptive attack. We will fight terror with terror."

He flashed a picture of the Tree of Souls now, "Now, the hostiles believe that this 'mountain stronghold' of theirs is protected by their... Their deity. And when we destroy it, we will blast a crater in their racial memory so deep that they won't come within a thousand klicks of this place ever again. And that too, is a fact."

The soldiers clapped and cheered when the Colonel finished his speech and immediately started getting to work. 

Soldiers loaded explosives into a carrier aircraft, and set up the ammo. 



"Jake, (Y/N), it's crazy here. It's full mobilization." Max's voice rang through the computer, "They're rigging the shuttle as a bomber. They've got these huge pallets of mine explosives. It's for some kind of shock-and-awe campaign."

"Fricking daisy cutters!" Trudy mumbled as she stared at the screen. 

"Quaritch has taken over. He's rolling, and there's no stopping him." 

"When?" Jake demanded.

"0600 tomorrow."

"MAX!" A woman called, warning him to get off the screen.

"I gotta go." was all we herd before the screen turned blue. 

The air was silent for a second before Norm shouted, "We're screwed!"

"And I was hoping for some sort of tactical plan that didn't involve martyrdom." Trudy chuckled, "We're going up against gunships with bows and arrows."

Jake looked in deep thought before saying, "We have 15 clans out there. That's over two thousand warriors. Now, we know these mountains. We fly them. You fly them. They don't. Their instruments won't work up here. Missile tracking won't work."

"They'll have to fire line of sight." I continued, "If they bring the fight to us, then we have a home field advantage."

"You know he's gonna commit that bomber straight to the Tree of Souls." Trudy said. 

"Yeah, I know."

"They get to the Tree of Souls, it's over. That's their direct line to Eywa, their ancestors. It'll destroy them."

"Then I guess we better stop him."



Jake walked up to the Tree of Souls. He keeled under it's branches and said, "I'm probably just talking to a tree right now. But if you're there, I need to give you a heads up."

He took one of the branches and made tsahaylu with it. The little fibers wrapped around the tree and the one branch lit up. "If Grace is with you, look into her memories. See the world we come from. There's no green there. They killed their Mother. And they're gonna do the same here. More sky people are gonna come. They're gonna come like a rain that never ends. Unless we stop them." 

Little did he know Neytiri was walking up from behind him. She was listening to his whole conversation. 

"Look, you chose me for something. I will stand and fight. You know I will. But I need a little help here." Jake continued to beg to Eywa. Neytiri put a hand on his shoulder and he looked up to her. "Our Great Mother does not take sides Jake. She only protects the balance of life." 

Jake looked to the tree, then back to Neytiri, "It was worth a try." 

The gap between them closed, so that their foreheads touched. Eventually the gap between their lips closed too, leading to a little bit more. Unlucky for them Tsu'tey was running by playing tag with (Y/N) when they saw this. The two of them were like little kids so both Tsu'tey and (Y/N) ended up 'gagging' and they plotted to tease Jake and Neytiri about this in the morning. 


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