Toruk Macto

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(Y/N)'s POV

"This is gonna ruin my whole day." Grace breathed out as she applied pressure to the wound. That son of a bitch Quaritch just shot her! What the hell! 

"Get the trauma kit!" I call out to Jake and Norm who are staring like little kids, "Keep the pressure on Grace."

"Wheres the trauma kit!?" Norm shouts.

"Trauma kit's forward, on the bulkhead."

"Hang on Grace." Jake coaxes.

"Doesn't matter. It's fine."

I slap my forehead at her remark. "Grace you have just been shot, THIS DOES MATTER!" I inject a needle that Norm got from the trauma kit into her arm. That's when I realized, I haven't attached mine. I look around the ship but don't see it anywhere. "Guys! Where's my arm!" I cry.

"I have it (Y/N)!" Jake called. 

"Why the hell do you have my arm?"

"Ummm, it was about to fall out of the chopper so I held onto it. (Also it's just really cool)."

"What was that last part Jake. You need to speak up."

"It's really cool...."

"JaCoB! Our friend is dying, yet you have the nerve to take my arm just because it's cool! What am I gonna do with you."


Norm stood on top of the bunker as Trudy lifted it into the air. We needed to move the base because Quaritch would know our location if he wanted to relocate us. I was up in the cockpit with Trudy and Jake was helping Grace inside of the base. We continued to travel in the night. Up here, in the mountains, we were so far into the Flux Vortex that they couldn't track us if they wanted to. 

"Strongest at the tree of souls right?" Jake asked through the comms.

"Yep" Trudy radioed back. 

"Good, 'cause that's were we're going."



The people say Eywa will provide. With no home, no hope, there was only one place they could go. Trudy set the base down in the forest, where hopefully Quaritch and Selfridge wouldn't find us. "Link's running" Norm announced. 

"What's the plan here Jake?" (Y/N) asked me. 

"There's no plan."

"Jake, come on Tsu'tey is Olo'eyktan now. He's not gonna let you near that place." (Y/N) whined. 

"I gotta try." I responded before going into my avatar. 


I woke up, my face covered in ashes. The world looked so dead around me. Outcast. Betrayer. Alien. I was in the place the eye does not see. I needed their help, and they needed mine. But to ever face them again, I was gonna have to take it to a whole new level. My Ikran made a call as it flew behind me, his wings beating. Sometimes your whole life boils down to one insane move. "There's something that we have to do. You're not gonna like it." I told him as he squawked some more. I boarded him and we flew off. 


We flew high, over the clouds. I was looking down at an orange thing. The Toruk. The way I had it figured, Toruk is the baddest cat in the sky. Nothing attacks him. So why would he ever look up? I drove my Ikran so that it went straight down towards Toruk. As the Ikran got closer, I broke tsahaylu and fell onto Toruk. That started a very long battle between me and Toruk, he was not going to give in, and nether was I. Eventually I made tsahaylu and Toruk was all mine. I then took him over the tree of souls. The Na'vi people were all there, including Grace and (Y/N)'s bodies. They looked up towards me and the Toruk. We came closer with the ground and his wings beat heavier as we landed. Letting out a few squawks before settling I hopped off of Toruk. I pet his face as I made my way to the people, locking eyes with my love, Neytiri. They reached out their hands, touching me as I walked past. I had become Toruk Macto. 

Neytiri walked down from her perch on the tall rock when I arrived. She was in shock, I could tell, by the way she panted a little when I approached. "I see you."

"I see you."' I responded. 

"I was afraid Jake, for my people. I'm not anymore." she announced. 

I turned my attention to Tsu'tey and Mo'at. "Tsu'tey, son of Ateyo I stand before you ready to serve the Omaticaya people. You are Olo'eyktan, and you are a great warrior." I told him, "I can't do this without you." 

He looked back from me, to Toruk, back to me. "Toruk Macto." He addressed putting a hand on my chest, "I will fly with you."

"My friend is dying." I told him. The color drained from his face. Wait. Does he think (Y/N) is dying? Hah! I knew he could learn to like us sky people. "Grace is dying. I beg the help of Eywa."


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