The Fall of Hometree Pt. 2

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The choppers and other aircraft flew through the Pandorian air, straight toward hometree. "I'm on target, one mike." the pilot of the biggest ship, the dragon, announced.

"Copy we have a visual"

"Roger that. Stay on heading 030."

"Roger 030."

The N'vi were holding Grace, (Y/N), and Jake in a contraption with their wrists behind their heads. The three called out to get to the forest, but the Na'vi just ignored them. The heavy blades of the aircraft filled the air and the Na'vi looked up. "Have no fear!" Tsu'tey called out to the war party, as the fleet spun around getting close enough that the wind created was throwing some people off balance.

"Take the Ikran and attack from above!" Eytukan shouted to Tsu'tey.

"That is one big damn tree." Quaritch said to himself, "Well, well, well. I'd say diplomacy has failed. All right people, lets get this done! I want every gas round you got right in the front door."

"Roger. Cs.40's going hot."



The ships spewed the gas capsules at the tree. They landed inside and caused havoc. People started coughing because of lack of air and the direhorses all got spooked.

"Bingo. Mighty good shooting, ace."

The Na'vi responded by attacking the ships with bows and arrows, but that did no use because they just kept hitting the glass of the ships.

"Sir. They've opened fire."

"These dumb bastards aren't getting the message. All right, let's turn up the heat. Switch incendiaries"

"Switching incendiaries."


Once he said that then instead of firing gas, the fleet fired missiles. They hit the tree's large columns which supported it. It was absolute chaos, people screaming and falling due to the explosions, direhorses everywhere, but (Y/N), Jake, and Grace were all tied up. Tsu'tey and his small group of warriors struggled to climb up the center of the tree, the explosion right on their tails.

"Get everyone to the forest!" Eytukan commanded.

"And that's how you scatter the roaches."

The Na'vi all ran into the forest, leaving Jake, Grace, and (Y/N) still stuck to the contraption. Neytiri looked Jake in the eye, debating weather to free them or leave them. She decides to leave them at the burning tree. The sky people started to move in formation. "We gotta move! He's about to blow the columns!" Jake cried.

"MY GOD!" Grace cursed as the three struggled at their ropes. Mo'at came walking up to them with a dagger in her hand. This is the end the three thought as her expression was very angry. She placed the dagger to Jake's neck. "Mo'at, no!" (Y/N) pleaded.

"If you are one of us, help us." she cried as she cut the ropes around the three, letting them be free.

Each of the different aircrafts was aimed at a different column of the tree. "All call signs, switch missiles. Give me HE's at the base of the west columns."

"This way!" (Y/N) instructed the Na'vi people.

"Yeah! Follow her!" Jake called.

"Rider section, switch missiles."

"One's good."

"Two's rocks up."

"Three's up"

"Charlie Oscar, Gunnruner standing by."

"Bring it down" The colonel said with a smirk.

"Cleared hot."

The missiles rained down on the tree, with enough power that the Na'vi running from them were all pushed back. Jake and (Y/N) sprung up easily, but Grace was thrown onto a tree. "Come on Grace, move!" Jake pleaded.

The people let out another round of missiles, and another. The colonel was enjoying every bit of this, sipping his cup of coffee/tea like the bastard that he is.

The blows were getting harder, and the people were flying around more now. Eytukan was being Hit hard. Leaves started to fall down from the tree, as it started to tilt. The tree started to fall faster now, and the sound of wood cracking was unmistakable. The ones in the tree boarded their Ikrans and flew to safety. The Na'vi on the ground were crushed as the tree fell all the way. The tree had now settled, but there was still ultimate chaos.

Mo'at and others started to scream out in fear and agony. They're only home had been destroyed, there was no where to go.

"That's good wok people. First round's on me tonight. Let's boogie." Miles stated as the ships started to retreat.

"FATHER!" Neytiri cried in an attempt to find her father who had gone missing. What she saw brought tears to her eyes and she started to cry out. Eytukan laid dying on the ground.

"My daughter..." he moaned, "Take my bow. Protect the people."

"Neytiri!" Jake called and found her lying next to the dead king. She started to cry in grief as Jake put a hand on her back. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

"Get away!" she sobbed. "GET AWAY! GET AWAY FROM HERE! NEVER COME BACK!"

Jake decided to give here some space and left her in the flames going back to (Y/N) and Grace.


Parker watched the scene from the screens in the link room. "Pull the plug."


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