Chapter 1

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Hey man. This chapter takes place in elementary or grade school.  

Every kid in the class surrounded one special kid who just got his quirk. "Wow!" "You are so lucky!" shouted all of the kids. "That's such an amazing quirk." said one of the teachers in Aw. It was (Y/n) first day with this new class. She just moved here from America. That day she was already annoyed. 


It was lunch time. She was knew so she wanted to be alone. She saw kids fighting and wanted to see what would happen.

 "Why are you being so mean? You're making him cry Kacchan! If you keep hurting him I'll- I'll uh stop you myself!" The green haired boy screamed while getting into a fighting stance. "Hmph. You want to pretend to be a hero? You don't stand a chance against me, Deku." a freaky grin came from the blonde kid. That same kid who was getting praised earlier for his "flashy quirk". With the clash of his fists hitting together, I knew I couldn't just watch anymore. 

"Stop! There's no need to fight! Just because you have a *flashy quirk* doesn't mean you need to fight!" I said while trying to defend the two boys behind me. 

"Ah you're the new kid, right? And what are you gonna do about it? Don't tell me you're a quirkless wanna be hero too just like Deku?!" The kid name Kacchan replied. 

"Quirks take time to develop! And I don't need a quirk to beat the hell out of you!" (No no words) I screamed back. 

"So what are you gonna do when I blow you to bits?!" (Do it bitch ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) jk THEY ARE CHILDREN!) He threatened as he became to slowly walk closer. 





 Big brain time.


 Looking around for something to help her in the situation she spotted a pail in the sandbox. Think. When she looked back at Kacchan, the pail hit his head causing him to fall to the floor. What did I just do!? 

"I thought you were quirkless!" shouted the spikey haired boy. 

"Think again!" I tried sounding all cool. But I really didn't know what just happened. The bullies ran off leaving (Y/n), Deku and the unnamed weak ass kid. (Jk) "Thank you uhhhhhh what's your name again sorry."

                                              Short Chapter but there is more to come! 

                                                                         Stay tuned!

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