Chapter 15

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The plain white letter with a red stamp on the back.

My heart started racing.

Should I even open it?

Wait. What am I saying? Of course I'm going to open it!

I sat on my bed with the letter and ripped it open. A small circle came out that projected the famous number 1 hero, All Might.


"Holy shit" I whispered. It scared me.

Wait. All Might? This letter is for UA.

"You are looking at the newest UA faculty member!" He bowed.

"Oh wow! That's amazing!" I yelled excitedly.

"You passed the written test and the practical exam with a total of 77 points. You earned 47 from combat and 30 from recusing. Congratulations young (L/n) you made it!"

"Woah I don't remember getting that many points! Thank you!!!" I said. I tried thinking back.

"But I do have one question. Why did you apply for the General Department? Do you want to be there instead?" All might asked.

"Oh no! Trust me I want to be in the Hero Course! I just thought I wouldn't make it so I had a back up plan." I laughed.

"Never doubt yourself! You'll become a great hero someday!" All might smiled bigger if that's even possible.

With that, the projection was over.

I did it.

All of the sudden I felt tears come out of my eyes.

Why am I crying?

I wiped them and went downstairs for a snack.

I needed to hide it the letter.


I grabbed a couple cookies and continued my way upstairs.

"Why do you look so happy?!" My mom yelled

I jumped.

"Oh god you scared me. And it's nothing." I continued walking.

"You made it to UA?! You applied?!" She screamed.

What the hell? How does she kn-

Her quirk.

She used her quirk on me.

"So what if I did?" I turned around.

"You could of gotten in from recommendations like your sister did. You know your dad is a pro, right? Or is your brain too small to understand that?!" She picked up something.

I flinched.

"You told me to keep it a secret that dad is a pro! And I don't need his help to become a hero!" I made the object in my moms hand fall to the floor.

"You idiot! You come back home and this is how you act? You have a house, food, and a family and you still act like that? What an ungrateful little bitch?!" she yelled.

I ignored her and went upstairs.

Well I guess there's no point in hiding it anymore.


Today's the first day of UA.

I have the address on my phone just in case I get lost, I have extra things in my bag just incase I mess up my clothes.

I think I need to stop worrying.

I headed out the door making sure no one heard me leave.

I see the huge school with the letters "UA" on it.

This is it.

I walked in and started looking for 1-A.

Would it be here? Or that way? Or this way?  God damn it.

Crap I'm lost.

(A/N) Happy Easter everyone! Thank you for reading! Please comment and vote!

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