Chapter 23

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Longer chapter today!

"Even if All Might does show up who knows that he'll make it out in one piece?" Tsu told us.

Mineta started panicking and he asked if the pros will save us.

One glance over the boat and I noticed the villains getting closer.

"If they can beat him, we have to stop whatever the bad guys are planning. We have to work together and keep All Might safe. No one at UA knows what's happening. This is up to us." Deku clutched his fist.

I nodded. "If we are training to become heroes, let's start acting like heroes!"

"They might be able to kill All Might and you guys think we have a chance?!" Mineta cried.

"The villains down there clearly have an advantage in the water." Deku started planning.

"They must of known what was in here before they came- what the hell?!" Mineta started hugging my leg.

"Protect me!" He had tears running down his face.

I started trying to shake my leg so he could get off.

"Damn it I'm trying to listen to them not you! You do want to be a hero right?! Stand up and fight for yourself! I'll throw you off the boat again if you don't let go." I threatened him.

He let go and Tsu started talking about her quirk.

Great I missed something.We have to work together.

"Obviously I can jump high and cling to pretty much any wall. And of course there's my tongue. Oh yeah! I can also spit out my stomach so I can clean it. That's not really useful. Finally I also secrete a toxic mucus. It just stinks a bit." The frog finished.

Wow that's cool.

Deku went next. "I figured you were strong but that's crazy! I'm strong but it comes at a price. Once I use my power I'm pretty much out of commission. I need to control it."

"I guess I'm next." I took off my mask and raised my hand to show I can make it float. "I can move things with my mind. It doesn't matter how far away the object is or it's weight. I also don't have to lift my hand up to lift it." I put the mask back on.

We all looked at Mineta.

"I've got these sticky balls." He took one off his head and place it on the boat. "There strength varies. Depending on how I'm feeling they can stick to whatever for a whole day. They grow back as fast as I pull them off. But if I pull off too many I bleed. Oh and they don't stick to me." He finished explaining.

We just stared at him. He started crying again.

"Don't look at me like that! This is why I said we need pros my quirk is unfit for battle and we're going to die!" He whaled.

"Your quirk is amazing, really! We just have to come up with something!" Deku tried calming him down.

In the corner of my eye I saw a wave coming. It crashed down on us and broke the boat. The boat started sinking.

"I'm starting to get bored!" A villain yelled from the water.

The pervert started crying again and once AGAIN Deku tried calming him down.

I ignored them and then Tsu began talking to me.

"I saw that you can't swim. Are you scared that you'll drown?" She asked me.

"Uh kind of. I can use my quirk to push myself up but I have to be relaxed if I'm underwater." I looked down at the water.

"Don't worry. If anything happens I'll grab you. Nothing with happen to you. Trust me." She smiled.

Is it okay to trust someone with my life? Relax. Breathe.

I smiled back.

"Alright then. Thank you for that. Now let's figure a way to get out of here."

Tsu looked over at Mineta.

"So Mineta. Are you sure the hero thing is right for you?" She asked him.

"I didn't think I'd be facing death right after starting UA! I can't believe I'm going die without ever touching Yaoyorozu's boobs!" He screamed.


"Jesus. Calm down." I told him.

"Listen up. An enemy that is sure of a win is bound to make a mistake. All Might said something like that during an interview awhile back-" Izuku got interrupted.

"And what does that mean?!" The child continued crying.

"Let's beat them!" He yelled.

After discussing what we were doing I got onto Deku's back and used my quirk to move the villains closer together. He used his quirk to make a whirlpool.

"Tsu, Mineta now!" Tsu jumped while holding Mineta and used her tongue to grab me (holding Deku).

"Is your hand okay?" I asked him while we were still in the air.

"Yeah I'm fine." He replied with.

Your fingers are clearly broken.

Mineta threw his balls at the villains and they all started to stick to each other.

"Not too shabby. You guys are amazing." Tsu said while still holding us.

Oh thank god. 

(A/N) No Bakugo in this chapter :( But HE WILL BE IN THE NEXT ONE!!!!

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