Chapter 3

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The next day

I wasn't paying attention in class. Like at all. I was thinking of how I was going to turn in my application without causing too much attention.

"Oh yeah Midoriya. Don't you want to go to UA too?" asked the teacher.

Laughs everywhere and I looked up.

"You can't get in without a quirk!" yelled multiple kids.

"Well actually they got rid of that rule! I could be the first one!" Deku tried to stop the laughing.

One explosion later and Deku was sent flying.

"Listen up Deku! You're even worse than these damn rejects, you quirkless wannabe! You really think they would let someone like you in when they could have me?!" Bakugo raised his hand shows the explosions coming from it. Why isn't the teacher doing anything?!

I stood up.

"Sensei. I would like to turn in my application. Please." I bowed so I wouldn't have to see the look on their faces.


I looked up.

"And Katsuki. Heroes have to be respectful and liked if they want to end up on top. It's not just about strength. And from the looks of it, I can tell you won't even be top 20 in 10 years." I tried to say without stuttering since EVERYONE was looking at me.

Laughs again

"Oh really? I think if YOU want to be a hero, people have to see you. You have to be someone that they look up to. Not someone they have to look down on. You fucking midget" he yelled back.

"That's the best insult you came up with? Stop being a jackass to Deku and come and fight me! Or should we wait for UA? I don't mind beating you here and there." I said while crossing my arms.

"Tsk. I can kill you right now." He threatened.

"That's enough Bakugo. Before school ends, I want you to do a project on how the world views heroes. The partners are picked by me so no one works alone." stated the teacher. Finally he says something. Excuse me sir but WHERE THE FUCK were you like 30 seconds ago.

Lastly I was paired with Bakugo. How lucky.


Bakugo and I left together to talk about this stupid project.

"My house or yours?" I asked him

"Mine. I don't have time to deal with your crappy family if they are all like you." he spoke.

"You're right" I whispered.

"Huh?! Speak up! No one can hear you from down there, you idiot! he yelled.

"Oh it's nothing. Your house it is!" I said while slowing down.

He didn't respond. I'm assuming I have to follow him. I'll call my mom and tell her I'm at his house for a project once we get there.


"Katsuki?! How come you are so late?!" screamed a women that looks like Bakugo. It's his mom. Her eyes widened when she saw me behind him.

"A girl? Katsuki I never thought I would see the day when you got a girlfriend! And she's so cute!" she shouted in excitement.

"Ew. She's just a friend! You stupid old hag! And we have a project." He explained.

"Ah so you are still lonely. Anyways! I'm Mitsuki! And you are?" she asked me.

"Oh I'm (Y/n) (L/n)! Nice to meet you!" I responded.

Phone rings

"Oh I'm sorry I have to take this." I said while clicking the green button on my phone. I walked out of the house so I can get some privacy.

"Where the hell are you?" mom snapped.

"I'm sorry I forgot to call you. I'm at a friend's house for a project." I whispered back.

"Who is this "friend"? And I thought you didn't have friends?" mom yelled.

"His name is Bakugo. It's only for a little bit! I'll be back so-" I was interrupted.

"A guy? You are such a whore! Come back when you stop sleeping with all of these guys!" And with that the call was over.

I turned around to see Bakugo and Mitsuki looking at me. Did they just hear that?


"I've always wanted a daughter! You can stay with us!" exclaimed Mitsuki.


Where else would I go? Would it hurt to stay with them?

"Shut up or I'll Kiss You!" Bakugo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now