Chapter 32

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"Kaminari huh" I said looking up at the list.

"Oooh! You got Kaminari! Nice and easy fight then! I got Aoyama. Watch, I'm going to melt his ass!" Mina exclaimed while we started walking back so we can watch the first fight.

"Wait aren't you going to participate in the mini games that they have?" I asked Mina.

"Yeah but I'll just be cheering. I'll walk with you inside so you can change. You're up next right?"

"No my match is after Todoroki's, thank you though, But I can go the rest on my own... have fun!" I waved.

I need to rest for the remaining time I have before the fight.

I walked back in the building and finally changed out of this stupid cheer outfit.

After I bought a water, I headed to the spot where we watch everything.

Then it started.

Deku vs Shinso dude

Shinso just simply asked him a question.

tsk. like that's going to work

Deku walked fast to Shinso while talking but suddenly stopped. He was completely frozen with a blank stare on his face. Then, he turned and walked towards the end of the arena.

One step away from ending it all and then out of nowhere, Deku was back to normal but with broken fingers. (so still normal)

They both starting fight until Deku threw in out of line ending it.

That guy's quirk....

"He's pulled that shoulder throw on you, huh?" Kaminari asked Bakugo.

"Shut your damn face, sparky."

I sat besides Kaminari. He's seems calm.

The next fight was starting.

Todoroki vs Sero

Todoroki's strong so there's no doubt he'll win, but then again I haven't really seen Tape guy in action.

Right away Sero wrapped tape around Todoroki to throw him out of bounds, but Todoroki stopped and froze everything, including the view, so I couldn't see.

"Sero has be immobilized!" announced Midnight.

The audience started yelling "Nice Try" towards Sero to make him feel better.

Poor guy.

Anyways....Guess I'm up next then.

I stood up from my seat and started to leave, but someone grabbed my arm forcing me to turn back.

"What?" I looked.

"Don't lose." With those words, Bakugo let go of my arm.

"I'm not planning on losing." I walked away.


I walked into the battle grounds and yawned.

Maybe I should of slept more.

"SO LET'S BEGIN!" Present Mic yelled.

"Depending on the results, how about I take you out after this, (L/n)?" Kaminari asked.

Now's not the time!

"Can we hurry and get this over with?" I walk closer to him.

"Ooh quick and easy? I like your style!" He shouted.

Uhm no I just really need to go to the restroom and I can barely feel my legs!

"Alright. I'll end it."


"Indiscriminate Shock" he seemed to charge up.

THINK! I can't afford to loose

Kaminari aimed the attack at ground, showing that he'll electrocute the whole arena. BUT before he did, I thought of something fast....


I opened my eyes to see Kaminari out of bounds, just laying there near the wall. 


Feeling that guilt, I walked over to him to apologize.

"I'm sorry, that might of been too much." I bent down to see if he heard me.

"WEEEEEE" he responded.

"Huh? Oh forget it" I stood up and walked away

He's stupid right now.


(yes she went to the restroom)

Let's see... I'm up against whoever wins, glasses or that other girl.

(A/N) Hey guys! I'm sorry for such a late update. It's been a month ahaha. Since I'm on break for a week I'll post this week. I was really busy with school so I'm sorry. BUT you can follow me on tiktok and i'll be posting about updates, questions on how you want the story to go, and you can get to know me and the editor! This isn't my personal account by the way. HAVE A NICE DAY


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