Chapter 25

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Longer chapter today and it is unedited so don't come at me.

"Damn it. Let's go home." The hands villains turned to the warping villain.

"What? Did I hear that correctly? They're just gonna leave?!" Mineta gasped. "That's amazing! So we don't have to fight!" He grabbed onto Tsu.

I heard water being splashed so I looked over to see Mineta being held underwater by Tsu.

"It seems weird that they would just leave even if help is on the way." I said.

The villain's back was facing us when he started talking again. "Oh and before we leave, let's make sure the symbol of piece is broken." He turned around and looked straight at us.

In even less of a second the main villain appeared in front of us reaching his hand out.

"Let's make this hurt!" He continued.

He started reaching for Tsu's head. When he touched Aizawa he started to shatter his arm. He can't touch her.

I grabbed my sword out and went to cut his arm off when he placed his hand on her face.

Nothing happened.

I looked over and saw Aizawa struggling but he was using his quirk.

"You really are so cool. EraserHead." Hands turned to look at the teacher.

In one quick movement, the Nomu smashed the pro into the ground. The hand was still on Tsu's face so I went to cut off his arm and Deku jumped and was aiming for him too. After the air cleared up the Nomu appeared in front of Deku.

My sword broke in half but Tsu is safe. When I look at Tsu again the villain is still here.

The Nomu grabbed Deku and was about to throw him and Hands over here started reaching for Tsu and Mineta while Tsu is trying to grab Deku using her tongue. I grabbed what was remaining of my sword and went to hit his arms. Again.

Out of nowhere a door exploded open to reveal the Symbol of Peace which caused the villains to stop. The number 1 walked in wearing his teaching attire and the common smile was nowhere to be found.

Hands stood up and in one swift movement All Might grabbed Aizawa. He started walking towards us.

"We need to get out of the way-" I was interrupted by someone that grabbed us.

All Might had swooped in and moved us away from the villains.

"Everybody back to the entrance. And take Aizawa with you." All Might instructed.

"Come on let's go." I picked up Aizawa.

Tsu and Mineta started lifting him up as well. Deku just stayed back and talked to All Might.

What's with him and All Might?

"All Might you can't! That villain took One for- I smashed him and it didn't work." Deku warned him.

"We need to get out of the way. All Might will win." I turned and continued walking to the exit.

"Hey. Can one of you carry him? I want to try that thing I did earlier." I asked them as we continued walking.

"Oh sure." Deku replies with. He took Aizawa as I used the same method I used on Deku's finger. His head was hit pretty hard and that might be the best place to fix right now.

As we continued walking you can hear the fight between Nomu and All Might. I had to block it out in order to concentrate.

Still Walking.

"Alright. I've stopped the bleeding. That's all I can do." I sighed.

I felt my head start throbbing.

God damn headaches.

I ignored it and continued walking with the teacher.

From the looks out it All Might started desperately needing help.

I should help.

"Take Mr. Aizawa." Deku handed off our teacher to Tsu without any other words. He dashed off the help All Might. I chased after him and when I got there I see him going in for the punch when Bakugo exploded his way in front.

"Get the hell out of my way Deku!" He screamed.

"Bakugo! You're here too?!" I gasped. More people showed up to help the pro.

Bakugo slammed the warp villain into the ground and held him there. Todoroki froze the Nomu allowing All Might to escape. Kirishima jumped in as well.

"Back up the hell up midget! Don't you need getting fucking hurt. You probably had a damn headache again don't you?!" The blonde yelled.

"No I'm here to help! I don't give a fuck about what you think." I ran over to hold down the villain with him.

"Kurogiri how could you let those brats get the best of you?" Hands looked over at us.

"Huh you got careless you dumb villain. It wasn't hard to figure you out." Bakugo smiled.

Haha I'm in danger. 

(A/N) I hope you enjoyed this weeks chapter. I'm trying to finish off the USJ arc sooooo yeeahhh.

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