Chapter 14

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After the exam I met up with Bakugo and went back home.

"So dumbass, how do you think you did?" He sat on his bed.

"Eh I guess I did okay. I did ruin my clothes. What about you dumbass? I said. I was trying to look for new clothes.

I'm going to shower since I stink and I'm dirty.

"Of course I did great!" he yelled.

"Hehe yeah." I laughed.

I went to the bathroom to shower, leaving him in his room.

I wanted to take a long ass shower. You know those where it's a hot shower and you think about life.

What if I don't make it?

Well it's a good thing I applied for the General Department.


What if I don't make it at all and have to go to a normal high school?!

I rushed out of the shower and changed.

I headed downstairs to make dinner.

Time Skip

It's 5am.

I haven't been able to sleep recently. The whole "exam" has me freaking out.

I think Bakugo noticed I haven't been sleeping. He's sleeping on the floor right now. I'm currently watching anime.

A couple hours later....

"KATSUKI YOU GOT A LETTER!" yelled Mitsuki

"Damn it old hag!" Bakugo ran downstairs to see it.

It was the UA letter. The letter to see if you were great or not.

"Holy shit. You made it." I said. I wasn't surprised more like excited.

"Fuck yeah I did. Don't doubt me!" he yelled back.

"Hmm I haven't gotten mine yet. Probably didn't make it I guess." I said shrugging it off like it was nothing.

It is something.

"They sent the letters to the address you put on your application. Did you put where you normally live, idiot?" He asked.


If it's there, my parents will see it before me.

"Crap. Yeah I did. I need to go." I started packing up everything.

"You can't just leave!" He screamed.

"Uhm yes I can. I'll text you if I made it or not. If I forget to text you, I guess see you at school?" I was walking towards the door.

"See you around.." I left.

As much as it hurt me to leave, I needed to go.

Time skip.

I finally made it back.

I looked at the front of the house I grew up in. The house I was kicked out of. And I'm returning just for this letter.

I sighed.

Before I rang the doorbell, the door opened with my mom yelling.

"Where the hell have you been? I needed you! We missed you so much!" My mom hugged me.

"Uh okay." I tried pushing her away.

Turns out I have my own room now. After my sister moved out I got her room. That's good.

I finally settled in when I heard a knock at the door.

"Yes?" I asked

"Open it. I need to show you something." It's Kamina. (10 year old brother)

"Uhh okay." I open the door to see him holding something behind his back.

"Whatcha got there?" I questioned him.

"It's for you." He handed me a letter.

It's the UA letter.

"What the hell?! Did they see it?!" I started freaking out.

Maybe that's why they were being nice-ish.

"No. I saw it when it arrived and then I hid it." He responded and pointed to a spot in my room.


"Oh my freaking god. Thank you so much. What do you want?" Yes I'm grateful but there's always a catch.

"Nothing." He walked away.

I looked down to see the UA logo with my name on it.

It's finally happening.


(A/N) HOLY COW! LONG CHAPTER! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR VOTING AND COMMENTING! We are top ten right now and its all thanks to you guys. I love you guys!

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