Chapter 8

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"I'm not gonna go easy on you just because you're a girl." Bakugo walked closer

 "Okay. I wasn't expecting you to go easy anyway. And no quirks, right?" I walked closer to him.

 He nodded.

Of course I'm clumsy.  My ankle rolled and I randomly fell to the floor. Fuck my weak ankles.

 "I'm already winning, and I haven't even touched you" Bakugo bluntly laughed

 TOUCH ME.... haha jk... unless 

 "Fuck off, I can do this" you remarked back in anger.

 Bakugo smirked, about six feet away from you, waiting for you to get up. You brushed yourself off and getting yourself into a fighting stance, a red blush took over you face as you saw how fit he actually was, with just wearing a simple muscle shirt.

As you were getting focused on how to fight, from what angle he came to attack, you were tossed back crashing into the floor. When you were overthinking on how to approach his attack, Bakugo took that to his advantage and when head to attack. 

 Bakugo was toppled over you, pissed that you were distracted, positioned you legs bent up and grabbing his thigh and neck, with all your force pulling him over you and pushing your knees up simultaneously.

 Leading him to tumble over you and land on his back with confusion washing over his face out of breath. 

 Quickly running towards him to stop him from getting up completely, jumped on his stomach making him lose his breath again. 

 "I told you, you asshole" whispering underneath your breath, while pinning his arms on the side of his head. Bakugo's red eyes glared into your eyes, and a slight smirk came across his face and a chuckle coming along with it... 

(And that's when you knew you fucked up)

His legs quickly bent and kneed you on the side making you gasp for air and tumble across the ground, cursing yourself for not securing his legs. He quickly went to grab your arms from preventing you from fighting back, "You're skilled but lazy (Y/N)" Bakugo said, but let go of your arms propping himself up and rubbing the back of his neck

(that still hurt because of the whiplash)

 "THIS ISN'T OVE-" as you winced in pain when Bakugo kneed you on the side. Bakugo could tell that would leave a bruise and would hurt for a while. 

 Getting up, you cursed yourself for letting him knee you hard enough for you to struggle on getting up.

 "Hurry the fuck up, you look disgusting" Bakugo shouted 

 You still had dirt all over you and in your hair, you brushed yourself off and walked past Bakugo.

A/N This chapter was written by my editor because I can't write fighting scenes. THANK YOU!!!  

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