Chapter 7

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"WAKE UP DUMBASS!" Bakugo woke me up.

"But it's like 4 in the morning!" I said while rubbing my eyes.

"Meet me downstairs in 10 mins. We are going to do something midget." He yelled.

Hm. Great. I got up and remembered that I'm blind, so I could barely see. I found my way to the bathroom and put my contacts on. Ah now I see my face. Gross. I brushed my teeth and TRIED fixing my hair.

I walked downstairs and saw Bakugo waiting there.

"Hurry the fuck up." He said.

He was standing near the door. He was in a black tank top and black sweats. He had a bag with him and by the looks of it, it had a lot in it. His hair was crazier then usual and you can tell by the way his eyes look, he's tired.

"Shut up. I'm tired." I walked to him and put my shoes on. 

And then we left.

"So what the hell are we doing at 4 in the freaking morning?!" I asked while I crossed my arms.

"Running. 7 miles. Can you do it bitch?" He looked at me.

"Hell yeah I can. Can you? Bitch?" I smirked.

Actually, I can barely walk up the stairs without getting tired. But let's try it.

We ran. Holy crap.

Time skip (After the run)

"I CANT BREATHE!" I tried to calm down my heart rate.

"You thirsty?" He asked while pulling out a water from his bag.

Yes I'm thirsty for something else..


"Ah thank you!" I grabbed the water and finished it under 10 seconds.

Time skip.

"Now we are going to see how well you can fight. You might actually make it to UA." he got into his fighting stance.

"Alright. I want to see your reaction when you get your ass handed to you by a girl." I got ready to fight as well.

Being the daughter of a pro hero has benefits. I was taught marital arts at a young age and I had to teach it to my younger siblings. My parents would put us against each other to see who was better or stronger. You don't take it seriously until you get punched in the face. I'm actually glad I can fight. I'm not weak.



"Shut up or I'll Kiss You!" Bakugo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now