Chapter 33

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I walked back to our seats and was quickly greeted by Mina

 "Woah good job!" She yelled. 

"Uh thanks. But all I did was throw him out." I sat besides her.

I could of done a lot more. I can't just throw everyone out.

I looked over at Bakugo who was focused on the next fight, but smiling slightly. Which caused me to feel a little bit better about my win. 

"Wait I have to go to the waiting rooms. Cheer for me!" Mina took off. 

"Good luck.." I said but she was too far.

I scooted next to Bakugo.

"Hey." I whispered. 

 His eyes never left the front. "What do you want?" He responded. 

The next match was about to begin. Support class vs. hero course. Iida vs. Hatsume.

"You're going against Uraraka right?" I asked. 

"Uh yeah what about it?" He asked back. 

 "Hmmm good luck." I relaxed in my seat. 

"I'm gonna win. Obviously!" He finally looked at me. 

I shrugged.

Obviously Glasses will win. Hatsume does have gadgets with her.

 After the match started, for a moment there, I thought I was watching an advertisement for hero items. Hatsume showed off each of her gadgets to the crowd by using Iida and what seemed like 10 minutes later, she let him win. 

That was weird.... 

The fight or commercial was over. Next was Mina's fight. As Present Mic announced Aoyama and Mina, I watched Uraraka and Bakugo take off for the waiting rooms. 

"Come on Mina you got this." I said to myself. My heart started racing. 

There's no doubt she'll win but still

"Don't show her any mercy Aoyama! Fight like you're in one of those video games where everyone's clothes get beaten off!" Mineta cheered.

 Weird way of cheering. Gross. 

Deku started mumbling about how she would win the match but at the same time, she's at a disadvantage. Aoyama started by firing his laser over and over. Mina dodged each one and then threw her acid on his belt, which caused his pants to fall. To finish the fight, an uppercut. He fainted making Mina the winner. I sighed feeling relieved.

Yaoyorozu was up next against Tokoyami. Tokoyami had dark shadow which is clearly an advantage. And Yaoyorozu can make anything so that'll depend on how she uses her quirk. Once it began, Dark shadow attacked her, giving no time to attack back. The shield she made was quickly changed out for another one. Then, she stepped out of bounds. 

Next up was Kirishima and TetsuTetsu.

Sero randomly took a seat next to me. "So who do you think will win?" He asked.

"I'm hoping Kirishima. Then again, those two are like twins." I answered. 

The two ran at each other. Both pulling the same attacks but no damage inflicted.

"Weird question." Sero said.

"Uhm yes?" I kept my focus on the fight.

"If we say TetsuTetsu, are we saying his first name or his last?" He looked at me.

"W-what? I don't know. Ask him later." I looked back at the fight. 

That seems like a Kaminari type of question. 

The punching continued until they both knocked out. It was announced as a draw. Bakugo and Uraraka's fight is up next. He constantly sent explosions to her for what seemed like awhile. Bakugo started getting booed at by the heroes in the crowd for beating up a girl. 

This is a fair fight what do they expect for him to go easy? Idiots. I rolled my eyes. 

"Poor Uraraka. I can't watch." Hagekure covered her (I'm assuming) eyes.

Then Uraraka released her trap that was set above him letting all of the rocks fall to him. With one move, he blew it away. The one chance she had was gone. After a while, she knocked out giving him the victory. 

"Man I can't believe he went full out like that on girl." Sero sighed. 

"She's just like any other opponent. Gender doesn't matter. So he treated her fairly and won." I stated.

"I guess. But still." He responded. 


(A/n): Hey everyone! Happy late Halloween! I wanted this chapter to be the fight against Iida and (Y/n) but I forgot that's until later on. I wanted to also do a Halloween special but instead, I'll do movie specials. One more thing..... MY COMMENTS OH MY GOD! They always put a smile on my face. AND WE ARE AT 147K!!! WOOOOOO HOOOO! Ima go listen to Yagami Yato...... enjoy this chapter!

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