Chapter 6

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After dinner I headed upstairs to Bakugo's room or now it's my room and just wanted to sleep.

A lot happened today. I turned in my UA application, my mom literally kicked me out, and I'm living with Bakugo now. Wow.

I laid down on the bed and got under the covers. I am still wearing my uniform since I don't have anything else. I closed my eyes and just thought about everything.

God what if I stay here forever?

What will happen if I like Bakugo since I'm literally living with him? Nah that would never happen. It's not like I'm in a romance story on Wattpad.

What does my mom think of me right now?

I hid under the covers and made a small hole so I could breathe. I couldn't sleep.

5 minutes later Bakugo walked into the room. I guess he didn't notice or see me since I was hiding. Maybe I can try to scare him....

I stayed quiet. Watching my breathing so he wouldn't notice. My eyes were glued to him.

He walked over to where his clothes were and started taking off his shirt.

When he lifted his shirt it seemed like it was happening in slow motion. Slowly his six pack was noticeable.

God fuck me already. WAIT WHAT (jk. unless....)

"FUCK!" I sat up with a red face.

"Bakugo when did you get so muscular?!" I asked while trying to not look at him.

"Huh?! Maybe because I actually work out unlike your fat ass!" he yelled.

I am getting fat.

"Hey midget. Why are you still in that fucking uniform?" He put his shirt on while asking.

"I don't have anything else. Do you want me to be naked?" I joked. Of course I'm joking.

"No gross! Put these on and fucking sleep!" he threw clothes at me.

He left and slammed the door.

I grabbed the clothes and started changing.

The door opens.

"What the fuck?! You don't walk in on someone while they're changing you ass!" I said while trying to cover up.

"Now we are even bitch" he laughed.

"BUT YOU'RE A GUY! THAT'S NORMAL FOR Y-" he closed the door before I could finished.

After that I fell asleep. 


A/N Sorry these have been realllllllllyyyyyyyyyy short! My editor is really busy so if it sounds bad or the grammar is a bit off, you know why.  

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