Chapter 12

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The next day

"Get up lazy ass." Bakugo threw a pillow at my face.

"Let me sleep!!!" I shouted and used the pillow he threw at me to cover my face.

Time skip

After the run we went to go get drinks before we started training.

We stopped at a smoothie store.

"What do you want idiot?" He asked

"A water is fine." I looked around.

It'll be free. If I'm going to be staying with Bakugo I can't let them pay for everything.

I noticed a "Now Hiring" sign in the front. I want to ask about it.

"Hey! Here's your fucking drink! Pay attention!" He passed me my drink.

"Oh okay thank you." I grabbed it and put the straw in.

"It was free idiot." Bakugo walked to a nearby table.

I followed him and sat down.

"I'll be right back.." I walked to the counter and asked if I could work here.

Surprisingly they just told me that I was hired.

"What the hell did you just do?" He screamed

"Something" I replied

"You applied here. Why?" He asked.

"Uhm Free drinks?" I responded. It wasn't a complete lie.

"You're a real dumb-"

"Crap. Those are your friends from school." I hid so they couldn't see me.

"The fuck? Why are you hiding?" He hit the table.

"Do you really want to be seen with me???" I whispered.

"That's what you're worried about midget? I don't fucking care about what they think. They know that we've known each other since preschool."

"Ah okay then." I came out from hiding.


The entrance exam....

After months of training I actually believed that I could pass.

Bakugo and I walked to the prestigious school UA high.

Hey look it's Deku.

"Move it damn nerd." Bakugo pushes him.

"Hey don't be an ass." I pushed his shoulder.

Once we got situated, Present Mic explained the exam.

I was sitting between Bakugo and Deku so they wouldn't fight.

I eyed to my left and noticed Deku looked like he's been working out.

 Wow. That's new. I guess you need to be strong if you don't have a quirk.

I got separated from them and then they announced that we had to start!

"Shut up or I'll Kiss You!" Bakugo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now