Chapter 29

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The sports festival.......

The first round started. Each of us pushed each other just to get a head start. No one wants to be last. Especially with the pros watching. 

We ran to the end of the tunnel to find robots.

"THE FIRST YEARS ARE ALREADY OUT TO A ROCKING START AND ITS ONLY THE FIRST ROUND!" yelled Present Mic. Take about a cruel obstacle course! The stakes are high! We have the whole school trying to be heroes, but do they really stand a chance against our heavy metal swarm of Robo Infernos??!" 

The zero pointers from the entrance exam?


I destroyed the smaller ones easily. It should be the same.

Todoroki placed his hand on the floor, making the first move. "They obviously put in a lot of trouble for this, but i wish they put something more difficult." He coldly stated as he placed ice under our feet. (hahaha coldly. get it?)

I quickly broke  the ice before it reached me by using my quirk and watched as he froze the robots with one move from his left side. 

I ran under the robots legs and destroyed the parts that were above me. 

The dust from the dirt rose as the robots hit the floor causing all of us to take some kind of cover. 

I'm some what in the lead. Besides Todoroki being in front of me, no one is near by. Gotta keep going! 

I slowly caught up to 1st.

"(L/n). I knew you would dodge that." He sped up. 

"I'm not losing." I ran faster.

I stopped at the new obstacle that stood in the way. 

Pieces of land connected by a thin string. 

How the hell am I going to make it across?!

Maybe.......... but everyone else.... screw it.

I snapped the string on my end and used it to swing to the other side leaving the other students behind. 

I made it to the end of that and I'm still behind Todoroki. I looked up to see Bakugo flying. 

"YOU SUCK ICYHOT!" yelled Bakugo. 

Crap I need to run faster! 

Todoroki stopped and stared at the next obstacle. 

Bombs???? Mines????!

Quick think!

I can't do anything..... I can just run around the side and avoid them as much as possible. I ran faster but I kept my eyes locked on the floor. One wrong step can- 

"AHHHHH!!!!" I screamed as I was thrown forward because of my footing was off. 

I quickly went back to the side and ran around it. Bakugo launched himself over the bombs making him closer to Todoroki. 

"Your declaration of war was with the wrong person!" Bakugo aimed an explosion at Todoroki. 

Fighting for the top.

They seem busy... maybe I can slip by.

"AND A NEW STUDENT TAKES THE LEAD!!!!" Present Mic announced. 

The two kept fighting but they watched their footing as well.

I ran in front without anyone noticing. Not even Present Mic said anything. 

A huge explosion that is worse then the usual went off causing everyone to stop. 

Wait. Whats that? HUH??!


I faced forward and ran quicker.

"I dont know what just happened but Izuku Midoriya is flying straight for.... 2ND PLACE! IN FIRST PLACE IS (Y/N) (L/N)!" The loud hero announced.

Shit they noticed me!


"Get back here Deku!" Bakugo added more force to his explosions.

Todoroki frost the path making it easier for everyone else.

We passed the final obstacle and now its a race for first.

"Out of my way!" Bakugo pushed Todoroki. 

I ran in front of the half and half and I was suddenly sent back with ice.

"Fuck. Todoroki you asshole!" I quickly zoomed back up. 

"ICYHOT YOUR FIGHTING ME!" The blonde yelled and pushed him again.

Deku was getting yelled at by Bakugo and yk... the usual. 

In the end...... I was in 4th place. 

The words that I grew up with repeated in my head....

If you aren't 1st, you're last. 

Damn it. 

(A/N) First of all, I'm sorry for the long break. I've been grounded for awhile now and I normally work on my phone. The story has grown quite a bit since I last updated. I would like to thank all of you for reading, commenting, and voting. Although I would like to say somethings.

(Y/n) is based off of me. Completely. Her family, the way she acts, and everything else. Don't be calling her a bitch or rude because some people say that (Y/n) is too rude but they'll keep reading. Don't read my story if you'll be insulting my character. I don't care if you find this rude. She stands up for herself, would you rather have her being pushed around? She stood up for herself against Hagakure and Jirou. Yes, it was kind of mean but she still made up with them in the end. 

On a happier note... I hope you all like the new cover. It was made by a good friend and she is also writing a Tamaki x Reader (OHSHC) so please check that out. @otakorea I will also tag her in the comments. 

Thank you for reading.

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