Chapter 35

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Really short chapter... please read the notes at the bottom :) thank ya

Rolling my eyes I mumbled to myself while walking to the break room 

 Its alright. He doesn't need to watch me. Not like I care. Oh fuck off. I don't need anyone. But why would he want me to win if that idiot isn't even going to stay till the end? How annoying.

I opened the door and my thoughts were interrupted by someone in the room.

"Bro why are you in my room... WAIT-  KATSUKI???! " I yelled.

"You sound like that idiot Deku. Stop mumbling. I wanted to meet you over here before anyone else dumbass." He looked at me. 

 "Yeah right." I grabbed a water bottle and opened it while turning away from him

"HEY DUMBASS. DON'T IGNORE ME" Bakugo grabbed me by the shoulder and turned me around to look directly at him.

lemme drink my damn water jeez

Having a tight grip on my arm, he brought me close to his chest.

uH ExCuSe mE sIR

"I knew you were going to win.... Dumbass" he whispered.

I smiled slightly, "You said you hate mumbling"

 "Wha-" He suddenly pushed me causing me to fall as the door opens to reveal the dude I just fought against. 

"THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME (L/N) I WILL GET BETTER" Iida came in shouting 

 "Oh right. Uhmm you're welcome I guess?" I replied

 Ow what the hell dude?  I thought while glaring at Katsuki. 

"I'm sorry for interrupting you two." Iida bowed then left the room.


"Um- you wanna explain why you pushed me?" I asked while I stood back up.

"YOU WERE TOO FUCKING CLOSE OKAY" he shouted and quickly turned away from me.

"Alright alright calm down jeez." I sighed.

 "Oh and by the way, I saw your whole match idiot. I knew you were going to win." he flicked my forehead and started walking out to watch the next match with Mina and Tokoyami.


~ Hey missed us? We're back! For sure this time. Hey Editor here! It's been a while huh? Anyways sorry for the wait... I really don't have an excuse This is just a short part later today there will be another update, umm... Honestly I'm not as good with talking with you guys as the author :/ anyways hope you guys aren't mad.

(A/N) HEY MY DUDES! I'm so sorry for this REALLY LATE UPDATE! Me and my editor buddy have been really busy lately buttttt this is part 1 out of 2 BECAUSE its almost 2am, and THE SECOND PART ISN'T READY YET IM SORRY. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL OF THE READS, COMMENTS, AND VOTES. It'll it out soon I PROMISE.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2021 ⏰

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