Chapter 5

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Walking to the store was fine. It was just silent. I was following him since I don't know which store we were going to.


"Slow down you walk too fast!" I zoomed to catch up to him.

"You fucking midget. Maybe if your legs weren't so small, you could keep up with me." he laughed.

"Oh really? You know what short legs are good for? This!" I went to kick him but instead he grabbed my leg and I fell on the floor.

I looked up to see him laughing and I started laughing too even though my ass hurt. He reached his hand out so he could help me up. I got up on my own and dusted off my skirt. (she's still wearing her school uniform)

"I can get up on my own thank you very much." I laughed.

"I'm going to look down on you again soon and I'll be greatest hero!" he yelled.

"Okay. First off, likes that's going to happen. And second gross." I chuckled at my own joke. Yes it was a dirty joke.

"The fuck!?" Bakugo screamed and turned the different direction.

Once I caught up with him again, he seemed calmer.

We made it to the store.

"Okay she asked for fish. Hmm I think it's over here." I pointed.

"Don't tell me where to go." he rushed over there with the cart.

After getting everything and meeting up at checkout Bakugo's phone rang.

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

"None of your business. But yeah. Do you need anything from here, midget?" he asked me while handing the cashier the money.

"Ah no. I'm fine." I smiled.

We left the store and I wanted to apologize for the whole "sleep outside" thing.

"Bakugo?" I stared at him.

"What do you want now you idiot?" he glared back at me.

"I'm sorry for everything. You probably hate me right now for taking your room and practically living with you now." I apologized

"Look midget. As long as you need a place to stay, I'm fine with sleeping on the couch. Since you're staying here I can at least kick someone's ass in my free time." he stated.

"Kick my ass? I'll kick yours!" I yelled/whispered back. (Please kick my ass jk)

And with that. I became Bakugo's training partner. The entrance exam for UA was in 3 months.  

"Shut up or I'll Kiss You!" Bakugo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now