Chapter 26

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"But if you didn't have a body, you wouldn't be wearing this neck armor right? You're not immune to physical attacks if they're well aimed." Bakugo continued.

The purple mist guy moved and tried to escape our grasp.

Bakugo emitted explosions from his hands to cause the villain to stop with his movement.

"Don't move! Midget here can remove your neck armor and kill you and if you try anything funny and I'll blow your ass right now, you got it?! They'll be cleaning you up for weeks!" He yelled.

Doesn't that sound nasty 😂

"A hero wouldn't say that, idiot. But yeah keep your ass down." I held onto the villain.

The Nomu disappeared into the portal and came out of the opposite end. The ice which stopped him before caused his leg and arm to break off.

"Stay back everybody!" All Might told us.

The remaining ice popped off of the Nomu. Muscle tissue started reappearing clearly showing that he doesn't have just one quirk.

Number 1 walked in front of Deku and todoroki while holding his injured side.

"Look dumbass. Get out of here while you still can." Bakugo looked at me and then at the area I came from.

"Uhm no. You guys need help. So I am here! Haha get it? Okay but seriously, what makes you think I'm leaving you guys?" I stared back.

Anyone get it...? :(

Bakugo cringed at my joke and called out to someone behind me completely ignoring what I said.

I looked to see Tsu still walking our teacher to safety.

"Yo frog! Take (Y/n) with you. Now!" He yelled at Tsu. After yelling he made more explosions on the villain beneath us.

"I didn't do anything! You two are fighting about protecting each other. Get a room." The warping villain yelled back.

The Nomu jumped at All Might causing all of us to look over.

"All Might." I whispered. I looked back down at the villain and remembered what he said. "What the hell. Gross. I'm good." I replied

"See you later midget." Bakugo laughed.

"What do you mean later-" Tsu used her tongue to pull me out of the scene.

"Let's go and bring Aizawa to the others." The frog motioned me to walk with her and the pervert.

I sighed.

"Damn it Katsuki. Don't make me regret not running back to help." I said under my breath.

We continued walking and finally made it to the others.

Once I looked back at the scene, Bakugo wasn't holding onto the villain anymore.

Punch after punch was thrown at Nomu. One even caused him to go flying. All Might picked the villain up with ease and threw him down into the floor leaving us all shocked to see Nomu returning to him normal state. All Might shouted those popular hero words and literally sent Nomu flying. The strength put into that punch caused the whole USJ to shake.

"Did a villain just fly by or am I going crazy?" Tape man asked.

The Nomu

I sighed releasing all of that pent of anxiety.

Tsu, Uraraka and Mina all cheered around me.

"Aren't you happy (Y/n)?! All Might won!" Mina threw her arms up.

I still feel like it isn't over.

"Of course I'm happy." I smiled at her trying to ignore the horrible pain of headache that I have.

"Oh wow! You should smile more often!" She responded.

I looked down to see if they were still okay. When my eyes met the floor I saw Deku about to be grabbed by the Handsy villain. My heart started racing and I tried using my quirk to force the mist dudes portal shut. Instead the gunshot beat me to it.

Looking over to where the bullet came from, my eyes began to water seeing that all pros from the school came along with our class rep.

Thank god!

They started attacking the villains that just woke up. Thirteen tried using Black Hole to get rid of them.

Tiny time skip.

Once we made it out of the USJ, police were everywhere. Their blaring sirens didn't help the headache.

"16, 17, 18, 19, and 20. Everyone seems to be unharmed expect for that boy." The detective counted.

I felt it getting worse.

Damn it I need to take something.

I reached in my pocket and took out an Advil I saved just for this moment. I don't have any water so this might hurt.

"Hey (Y/n). What... are you doing?" Mina worryingly asked me.

"What does it look like? It's just drugs." I joked.

"Whaaa?! No! Stop it! Give it to me!" She reached for the pill.

I backed up and swallowed the "drug".

"Relax. It's just something to help me." I tried calming her down.

"Told ya you had a damn headache." A voice behind me stated.

"Maybe if you stopped yelling all of the time I wouldn't get these damn headaches!" I yelled back.

"Now now. Let's get you guys back to the main building." The detective lead us to the bus. 

(A/N) HERE'S THE LAST CHAPTER OF THE USJ ARC! AND ALSO WE HIT 20.1K READS OH MY GOD! THANK YOU ALL! I read your comments and they really make me laugh so thank you for that! I know I don't update this book as often as I should but I want to write an Oikawa x Reader because I had a dream about it ahahaha. Should I? My mom just walked in on me writing this on my laptop and she looked very concerned.....

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