C H A P T E R 9

341 7 0

~ No Turning Back ~

A few days have passed since I last saw Wyatt.  I would be lying if I said I haven't been missing him and the way things ended so abruptly our last encounter didn't help either.

I wanted to pick up the phone and call him out of desperation to hear the subtle tone of his voice that only adds to his appealing nature.

I was sitting on the couch fighting with my emotions when I saw Alex coming from down the stairs.  She noticed me sitting on the couch and made her way over and plopped down in the empty space next to me.

"Are you suppose to let a guy call you or are you suppose to call him?" I asked turning myself to face Alex.

"I don't think there are any set rules on who should call who first," she replied.

I stared at my phone next to me on the couch debating what I would even say to Wyatt if I called him. "Hey I couldn't stop thinking about you so I just wanted to call.." Yeah, that doesn't sound desperate at all I thought.

"Can I borrow your phone? Mine is dead and I can't find my charger," Alex said pointing to the phone I had been looking at.

I picked up my phone and handed it to her knowing that Alex can never keep the same charger around for long.

I watched as she aimlessly scrolled through my phone and then held it up to her ear.  I curiously watched as she waited for it to ring and then passed the phone back over to me.

"Alex, who did you just call?" I questioned panicked that she would say the one name I didn't want to hear.

"Wyatt and don't think about hanging up because it's already ringing," she smirked getting up off the couch.

As she stood up, the tension in the room was cut when somebody said "hello" on the other end of the phone.

"You're welcome," she laughed while running back up the stairs.

I quickly picked up the phone and held it to my ear.

"Hey," I said mentally cursing Alex for calling him.

"How are you, beautiful?"

"I'm good, I just missed you so I figured I would call," I replied throwing myself down on the space where Alex was a few seconds ago.

"Is that so," he teased and I already knew he was smirking on the other end of the phone.

"Possibly," I replied not knowing how to make this conversation less awkward for myself.

"I was going to call you later this evening. I wanted to see if you wanted to come to my place tonight for dinner? I thought I would cook for the two of us," he replied sounding a lot calmer than me.

"Dinner tonight at your place?" I asked while blushing because no guy has ever treated me the way Wyatt does or let alone offered to cook dinner for us.

"Yes, I would love to see you again. I can come pick you up too if you'd like," Wyatt said.

"I can drive myself, it's not a big deal," I replied remembering what happened last time Wyatt and I were alone in his car.

"If you insist, I will text you my address. You can come over at around six o'clock. I will see you tonight, beautiful." I will never get tired of hearing Wyatt call me beautiful.

"Sounds good, I will see you later," I replied before hanging up the phone.

I placed the decorative pillow on the couch over myself to hide the wide grin that appeared on my face.

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