C H A P T E R 23

188 6 0

~ Undeniable Love ~

I stumbled into my apartment and leaned against the door once I closed it.  I slumped down to the floor and rested my head against the door.  I was beyond exhausted and I wanted nothing more than to get some sleep and try to forget the eventful night even if it was for a few hours.

I leisurely climbed the stairs to my room and flopped down on my bed.  I kicked my shoes off and laid back on the bed as I stared up at the ceiling.  After a few minutes of aimlessly staring, I sat up and got undressed to put on my nightclothes.  I went and took off my makeup, brushed my teeth, and climbed into bed.

As much as I tried to forget about the night that had unfolded, I knew it wasn't going to be that easy to just forget.

It felt like endless hours that I tossed and turned in the bed trying my best to find some comfort.  Laying in my bed alone didn't help ease the dejected feeling that held me captive.

My unexpected attack earlier was enough to cause my restless state, but I think my argument with Wyatt was the main reason why I was so uneasy.

Every part of me wanted to forgive him and try to move on since his involvement with the job was in the past but knowing that people were using me as a way to get to Wyatt, only made me feel worse.

Eventually, I drifted off to sleep and even in my sleepy daze, I could still distinguish the look on Wyatt's face as I left him shattered and alone.


Countless days have gone by since I've last seen or spoken to Wyatt.  He tried to call me a few time but I would decline his call.  I wanted to answer the phone and hear his alluring voice but I knew that wasn't what my mind needed.

The past few days were an endless cycle on repeat.  Wake up, go to work, come home, shower, talk to Alex, and cry myself to sleep before waking up and doing it all over again.

I thought I would be over crying by now but every time I thought I was doing better, I was reminded with how shattered my heart felt when I left him.

Wyatt may have done some unexplainable things in the past but that wasn't enough to erase the intense love I had for him.  You don't just erase somebody from your life so quickly after all the wonderful moments you've shared, even if their actions caused sudden chaos in your life.

I was in the shower with my head resting against the wall as I stood under the stream of water.  Alex wasn't home because she decided to spend the night at her new boyfriends. I have been so disconnected from the world that I haven't even met him but from what Alex has told me, he's something special.

I was happy for her because Alex deserves somebody that is going to treat her right, but I couldn't help the hint of jealously that I felt when she told me where she was going.

I turned off the water and got out of the shower wrapping a towel around my body as I stood in front of the mirror.  My usual cheerful expression was now stone cold and I hardly recognized the person I was looking at.

I made my way into my room and threw on a tank top and a pair of shorts.  I found one of my favorite hoodies and I put that on as well.  It was later in the night and I realized that I didn't eat dinner yet but truthfully, I wasn't even hungry.

I grabbed my phone and made my way downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a banana out of the fruit bowl and forced myself to eat it. Once I finished the banana, I threw the peel away and walked towards the couch and sat down.

I crossed my legs and grabbed the TV remote to see what was on. I saw a TV show that seemed interesting but after a few minutes of trying to pay attention, my mind wandered off and the TV was just background noise to my thoughts.

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