C H A P T E R 11

284 6 0

~ I'll Always Fight for You ~

Today Wyatt decided that he wanted to take me out on another date. I find it sweet that Wyatt is always trying to impress me, even after he has already won me over.

I finished doing my hair and makeup and decided to wear a cute casual top with a pair of high waisted jean shorts.

I told Wyatt I would meet him at his place since I felt bad about him coming all the way out here just to bring us back to the heart of Chicago to the restaurant he picked out.

The place we were going to was a well-known bar and grill and I have been dying to try the place out after hearing so many people rave about it.

I made my way over to Wyatt's and I texted him that I was outside so we could ride together. I looked in the rearview mirror checking my appearance one last time when I saw the front door to the penthouse building swing open revealing a rather breathtaking Wyatt Miller.

I smiled and waved to him as he made his way across the street to my car.  It feels strange driving Wyatt because I'm use to him being the one to always drive me places, but I decided it was my turn to return the favor.

Wyatt got into my car and I was instantly met with the pleasant smell of his intoxicating cologne.

"Hello, beautiful," he said as he closed the door and turned to look in my direction.

"Hello," I smiled looking at Wyatt's large figure crammed in the front seat of my car.

He leaned over and planted a longing much-needed kiss on my lips.

"I missed seeing you," he said as he put on the seatbelt before I pulled out of the parking space.

"I missed you too," I replied as I felt Wyatt place his hand on my leg caressing my inner thigh.

I felt the skin on my leg heat up with Wyatt's touch and I don't think I will ever get used to feeling him touch me.

Once we reached the grill, we found a parking space a block down since there wasn't any parking close to the crowded restaurant.

We walked hand in hand as we made our way to the entrance of the grill. Wyatt told them his name and they let us skip the long waited line.

"How did we get to skip?" I asked but not really complaining because it beat having to stand in that dreadful line.

"Just a perk of knowing the owner," he smiled as we walked in and headed for the bar.

"Is that Wyatt Miller," the guy behind the bar loudly questioned over the music while drying his hands on a towel.

"Matt Sulivan, long time no see," Wyatt replied smiling while extending his arm to shake the bartender's hand.

"Damn, it's good to see you back in Chicago," Matt smiled placing his hands on the counter.

"It's good to be back. Matt, this is Davina," he said introducing me to the man on the other side of the counter.

"Davina, it's nice to meet you."

"Same with you," I smiled back.

"What can I get you two?" Matt asked.

Wyatt ordered a beer to drink and I decided to not consume any alcohol since I was driving. I know one drink probably won't do much damage, but my parents have it grained in my head that drinking and driving is a terrible idea.

Wyatt and I ordered some food as well and talked about anything and everything. It was nice to go out to a place that had a more casual atmosphere and easily more relaxed.

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