untold emotions .

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your tears shed for me would'nt be able to fill a jar . you claim to feel so much , more than I can fathom yet you look at me with a blank stare and an downward smile . you don't speak about feelings , it's wrong .
you don't show emotions , it's not done .
you can't or you just won't ?
Each day I wonder about you , about your mysterious ways and actions .
Life would be so much easier if you would just voice what you were thinking and show how you were feeling .
It seems to me that you want me to read your mind but unfortunately I possess no telepathic abilities .
but i'm certain that you're a telepath because you always seem to know how I'm feeling .
you guard your emotions the way you guard your heart , with an iron barrier and sky high walls .
I wish you'd just let me in , i'd protect your heart as if it was my own .
because that's what you do when you love someone , you trust them with everything , even your shattered heart .

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