Chapter 26

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Izzy jolted awake, breathing heavily to see her roommate Solar yanking open her blinds allowing daylight to fill her small box room. Izzy leaned back in her desk chair looking down at the massive textbook she had called a pillow for her 'nap' which seemed to have lasted a little longer than planned. In between Maddie moving, seeing Jungkook and reuniting with Cassidy she had had very little time to focus on her studies and had got behind on the required reading which she had tried catch up on last night. Groaning, she rubbed her eyes trying to fully wake her self up.

"Good morning to you too sunshine" Solar replied, rolling her eyes but there was a laugh on her face. "There's someone waiting for you in the kitchen, said she her name was Cassidy."

Suddenly fully awake, Izzy checked the time on her phone finding that she had massively overslept. Swearing quietly under her breath she tanked Solar for waking her as she started to rush around the room in order to get ready to go out. She had promised Cassidy that the two of them would catch up today with her friend insisting that they were way overdue some retail therapy although Izzy wasn't sure her wallet could take it. 

"There was something I wanted to talk to you about" Solar began, watching with a small smile as Izzy hurried to find some clothes that made her look almost presentable. "I'm thinking of moving out, to be closer to the club. The other girls I own it with have finally found a big enough apartment for the four of us and, well, it would make life a lot easier."

"That makes sense" Izzy replied, knowing that the long commutes were a real pain for Solar, plus the other three girls crashed here so often they might as well all be living together. The four of them were joint owners of the strip club 'Egotistic' - one of the most popular clubs in the city, and it was only getting more popular which meant Solar was working longer hours.

"I don't want to move out until you have someone else who can help pay rent" Solar continued, "or until you find somewhere else to stay. I've already contacted the landlord to tell him.

"Yeah thanks for warning me. I'll miss having you around, you've helped me so much to adjust to living in Korea" Izzy commented, giving her unnie a gentle smile.

"I'm glad, but we can talk about this properly later" Solar answered, "you should get ready."

Izzy nodded as Solar softly closed the door behind her, going out to speak more to Cassidy as they waited for Izzy to make her grand entrance. She quickly got changed and styled her hair, trying to make it look like she had spent the night in a bed instead of chained to her desk. She made sure she had her keys, wallet and phone before checking in the mirror one last time and leaving the room.

"Hey Cas, I'm so sorry I overslept I was trying to catch up on some reading late last night" Izzy apologised as she entered the room giving her friend a hug.

"That's okay, Solar here has made excellent company" Cassidy replied as she returned the embrace.

Izzy's roomate simply smiled before saying "I'm working late tonight so don't wait up on me. HAve fun okay?"

"Okay, thanks unnie" Izzy replied as she grabbed an apple for the go and took Cassidy's arm, heading out of the small apartment into the big city.  

They took the subway to the main shopping district, enjoying each other's company the whole way there. The two girls found it easy to just talk to each other about anything and everything as they showed each other new music they liked and complained about how stressful school was. The conversation soon turned to the relationships they had both got into since they last saw each other as Cassidy brought up photos of her and her boyfriend on her phone.

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