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A/N they are all around 15/16

It was still dark outside but I could hear the beginning of bird songs signaling the coming of the sun. 

Sighing I rolled over, my muscles sore and head stinging, I trained long into the night with Ronin working on my shields and chakra control. 

My feet touch the cold floor as I stumble across my room to the dresser, I run my hands along a cold metal picture frame. 

It was the only picture of my entire family, my father and I stood next to my mom while she was on the hospital bed holding my baby brother, taken just seconds before she collapsed,the birth had been too much for her and something happened, my newborn brother only spent a minute in my arms before he was pulled away because of the same complications, he followed after her a few hours later.

That day my father and I went home in mourning to a house that was decorated for celebration, I remember running up to my room and crying over the knitted blue blanket I had made for the new baby, I was so happy to be a big sister, I was going to protect him and walk him to school and be a role model to him. But that wouldn't be happening anymore.

I remember walking down the stairs to find all the decorations pulled down and my father sobbing on the couch. 

I had never seen my father look so powerless before. 

I know there must have been a funeral but I don't remember it, all I remember was seeing their faces one last time, kissing their foreheads, and the flowers. 

I lift my hand to wipe away the warm tears on my cheek, today was the anniversary of my mother and brothers death.  I went down to the cemetery often but on the anniversaries Ino, or Ronin and Norio, or Asuma would come with me. I liked going with Norio cause he was like me, he lost both his parents on a mission and he only had his older sister. He was very understanding but also he made me smile which helped with easing the pain. 

I slide my legs into the satin of my black dress and into my shoes, brushing back my hair I clip it into a bun and wrap a shawl around my arms. 

When is Asuma coming back from his mission? The Chunin exams start tomorrow and he needs to be there for them

I sip the hot coffee from the mug, standing on the balcony as the sun rises above the apartments, the warm beams landing on my face. 

Just as I was about to go put my empty cup away a body jumps towards me, lashing my arm toward it I mean to strike it with my cup but a hand stops it 

"Whoa hold up there Sayuri" I look up to the familiar voice of Kiba, we have been training together a lot recently so it was weird to hear his voice somewhere other then the training fields

 he's gotten taller then me in this past year, which is weird because our friends would always joke how we used to be exactly the same height through most of our childhood

"H-hey Kiba" I stutter a blush creeping along my face as I take in how close he is standing, how good he smells, or the warmth of his hand on my arm.

Before either of us could back up he wrapped his arms around me, resting his chin on my head

"I just came to check on you" he said softly "I know that today is gonna be rough for you so I just wanted to make sure you knew I was here for you" 

"Thank you Kiba" I whisper, laying my head on his chest "It means a lot knowing you are here"

We stay like that for a few more seconds before he speaks up again 

"Ino said she was waiting for you at her shop, want me to walk you there?" 

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