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my feet land steps behind Norio as we jump across the rooftops of Konoha to the Hokage. Our team had been summoned, along with the other teams, to meet with the new Hokage before their inauguration later today. 

I always oversleep on these important days... I roll my eyes, pushing harder against my feet as we make the final jump 

Landing in front of the building I shudder, I haven't been here since... Looking up at the Hokage cliffs I brace myself by drawing a breath and steeling my nerves 

Norio looks back and gives me a nod of encouragement as we continue forward

Pushing through the doors we enter the tiled reception room, the other teams stand around the room. 

"now that you are all here, we can get started" A lady's voice speaks up from above me

The lady who was next to me when I woke up travels down the stairs, stopping as she gets to teh bottom.

"I am Tsunade, and as some of you know I am to be the new Hokage " she continues

A few gasps from around the room ellicit that I was not the only one who did not know

Asuma and Shikamaru step out and go to stand beside her, when did the sensei's get here?

looking behind us I see the grimace that Mikino wears on her face so often, she gives me a quick nod. Her bag still on her back, signalling she must have just gotten back from a mission

Asuma speaks up "we have reason to believe that the claw village will continue their attack, they seem to be allied with the stone village" he huffs "both villages have had their quarrels with the leaf village and we assume that now they plan to make a move to completely disable us and eliminate our power"

Shikamaru begins "by striking down our Hokage they opened an area of uncertainty and confusion, also vulnerbility as we name a new Hokage and they fall into office. Many of the Leaf's finest shinobi have been injured in the attack or in the attempt the capture the fleeing shinobi" he sticks his hands in his pockets "also many of our finest have been pulled out of the village on last minute long term assignments from a few other villages and individuals we suspect to be aligned in some way to the attack."

"we don't know for sure yet" Tsunade speaks up "but I would not but it below them, the leaders of the Claw are very manipulative and power seeking"

a chill runs through the room as she voices her thoughts and I cant help but stand up straighter 

"I called you all here for a reason" she crosses her arms "you have seen the attackers faces, some of them you have fought with. You will be the most prepared for their jutsus and attack styles. We are positioning extra strength around the borders and gate in case they try for a frontal assult, of course we will have the ANBU and Jounin positioned around the building but I want you 15 positioned undercover in the crowd. Because of the possibility of an attack I have dismissed it from being mandatory so that will limit the amount of interference we will have"

"excuse me" speaks up Sakura, drawing all eyes over to her red clad figure next to Sasuke "if it's going to be so dangerous why not cancel it? or use a substitution?" I nod, exactly what I was wondering 

"I will not hide and let someone die in my place" Tsunade hisses, before composing herself and answering the rest of the question "cancelling would mean giving into fear and that's what they want, they want us unable to function, unable to stand against them, unable to fight. We will stand tall, and we will kick their asses" she smirks at the end, her words burning through me as I take them in 

"now go, protect the village" she nods and turns away, her cape fluttering softly as she briskly walks back up the stairs, the flames moving along the bottom seem to kindle my Will of Fire as I take in what is about the happen, this time it isnt Protect the Hokage, it is Protect the Village and that seems bigger, the village holds our future, our love and our homes. And I knew from the moment I put my Village headband on that I would lay down my life to protect my Village. To protect the future of every child and to hold strong to the present that our elders had fought for in the past. 

I was ready, I was born for this. 


rememeber to vote! And dont worry the story is far from over *winks* 

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