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I can barely breathe at this point, I feel my lungs push against the ground. My vision starts to go hazy around the edges and I know I only have maybe a minute left 

"Kiba just go, please get out of here" I plead, trying to make eye contact with him but his eyes were on the man, he looked determined and his hand gripped the kunai tighter "Kiba"

His eyes met mine and I gasped, I had never seen those eyes on him, Kiba was in there but so was something else, something I didn't know exactly how to describe it but it scared me and comforted me at the same time. 

He seemed to be trying to say something but I could barely keep my eyes on him, they kept darting all across the scene as I gasped to breathe.

"SAYURI" he shouted, and he charged towards the man

the man took some of the weight off my back as he prepared for the attack, he raised his sword and swung it down towards my neck 

Before I could channel some chakra for a shield I felt a warm presence above me 

Kiba was crouched above me, kunai stopping the blade, he pushed back channeling chakra through his arms,

the man jumped back 

Kiba turned to pick me up, I sucked in air in mouthfuls my open eyes were greeted with the bright afternoon sun as it sets 

"are you ok?" Kiba worriedly examines me 

Nodding I lean against him and look up at our opponent "we have to get away" 

how do we do that though I don't want him going after the others

The man starts doing the handsigns for his fireball jutsu "I think I have an idea" I say stepping slightly in front of Kiba 

He grabs my arm "Sayuri" 

I turn and look into his eyes "it'll be ok" I hope

I grind my feet into the ground softly

The man launches his fireball and I use the last of my chakra in forming a shield that would push his attack back towards him 

I grit my teeth, sweat drips down from my forehead, down my eyelids and across my cheeks. I push all my chakra through the shield to push back the massive fireball and seconds later it launches itself back towards the man 

It hits the man and the paper bombs on his back activate, blowing him back and he slams into a tree falling down on his face 

"Run" Kiba shouts, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the tree line 

I power after him 


we probably went about two miles before he stops, pulling me back to him, his other hands supports him against the tree. 

"my - my leg" he grunts, sitting down against the tree 

"I'll look at it" I say kneeling next to him 

reaching my hands out above his leg I start channeling chakra through my hands and examining the leg

lucky for him, this just looks like torn muscle and not broken bones

"I think I can fix it" I tell him 

His hand goes to my arm "I don't want you to do it if its gonna drain your chakra, we may need to fight him if he comes back"

"I'll be fine" I lied, feeling a little guilty but I didn't want him to be in pain 

I start channeling the chakra to heal the muscle, my knees dig into the fresh earth 

after a few minutes I deem it healed "Ok you should be good now" I say getting up trying to ignore the urge to sit back down as my head feels like a ship during a storm "uh" I hold my head

"Sayuri are you ok" Kiba stands up and holds my face, looking into my eyes 

I blush noticing he is just inches from my face 

"Sayuri" he pleads "please tell me you did not just deplete your chakra stores to heal me"

"I - I said Id be fine" I said "and I will, after I eat and take a short break" 

he opens my bag and passes me the food and water and I take only one bite before we hear a loud roar from the direction we just came from 

I swallow "what was that?"

"we should start moving" Kiba stands up and offers me a hand "I can carry you so you can rest a little"

I didn't really want him to carry me but I knew I would never even make it to the first branch 

"I really need to work on chakra control" I admit, embarrassed as he picks me up 

he laughs "what? Is being carried by me so bad?" he winks as I put an arm around his neck, letting my hurt one rest in my lap 

"no its not that" I admit laughing if anything I would loved to be carried by such a cute guy I shake my head "I'm just worried that your leg might need a little time to completely heal, the muscles still might be sore or hurt"

"you're cute when you're worried" he winks as he continues jumping through the trees "it feels fine now, not just fine but great, you're a really great healer" his face goes red a little at the compliment he gave me 

"thanks" I smile "I do need to get stronger though, Asuma said my mother could create shields big enough to protect several squads and she somehow could draw the chakra from whatever attack he was blocking through the shield to replenish his supply" I sigh "my shields aren't anywhere as strong as those and I always accidently let chakra slip from my hold whenever I do one, that's why a took up the medical training" I admitted "Mikino thought it would help me learn how to control a large amount of chakra in a smaller setting and then we can work up from there" I shake my head "But I also need to build up my chakra reserves since they aren't big enough for the jutsu I'm using"

I look up at Kiba whos looking down at me smiling softly "what?" I asked 

he shakes his head, still smiling "nothing"

"fine keep your secrets then" I snuggle into the jacket and close my eyes 


Authors note 

hey guys sorry I didn't update over the weekend I just kinda felt like no one was reading the story or liking it so I didn't update. I see I'm getting all these reads but I feel like no one really likes it cause nobody is giving feedback so please if you are reading this please leave a comment or vote it will really encourage me to write more and will really make my day 

Thanks yall!!!!

and yes... I quoted Frodo Baggins if you like him check out my LOTR oneshot book, I wrote a really cute one for him 

also this chapter has been edited 

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