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I sigh, standing in the front row next to Asuma. This funeral I will remember a lot better, there's more flowers, more crying, there seems to be more sorrow as the entire village mourns the loss of their Hokage. 

Next to Asuma stands Kurenai and her team, Ino stands next to me with Shika and Choji on the other side of her. 

One of Asuma's hands rests on my right shoulder and the other one clasps Kurenai's hand tightly.

Some words are said before the general assembly dismisses and Asuma sighs,

"so thats it then"

He begis to slowly walk away, taking his hand off my shoulder and tucking it into his pocket, Kurenai still holds his hand as she gives me an understanding nod and I hear her quietly bring up getting something to eat

I sigh, looking to the row behind me where Ronin and Norio were standing, I give them a small smile. 

they both smile back but Ronin is quickly dragged away by his father I wonder whats up with that...

Norio walks over and gives me a hug "do you wanna go and get something to eat?" he questions, pulling back and looking at my face "you look like you haven't eaten all day" he says worridly 

I pull his hand off my face "yeah I havent eaten today, wanna get some ramen?" 

he nods and I wave goodbye to Ino, catching Kiba's eye as we departed and giving him a warm smile, he returns with a wink and I have to hold back the giggle that wanted to escape my lips

Arriving at Ichirakus we take a seat on the stools and place our orders, soon leaning over the steaming bowls of ramen 

"so" ventures Norio, turning and making eye contact with me, his dark blue piercing mine. "how are you doing? it's been a few days since we have talked, And I mean actually talk. So much has happened and I don't know" he mumbles, turning back to his bowl 

I sigh and swish my noodles around "well," I start quietly "we got split up, you died, I tried to save you and almost died. We found Ronin all beat up and bloody, Sakura healed him. We foudn out about a plan to kill the Hokage and got  into a huge fight. I was suppossed to protect the Hokage and I failed, then I died, and now I'm back" I look back up at him with a tear threatening to fall "you're right, a lot has happened" a weak smile follows after the sentance 

he smiles back before chuckiling "hey" he says, smiling "you and I can be the 'I beat death squad' I'm sure that'll come in handy at some point" he laughs 

I shake my head, "Norio," I laugh "how do you even think of stuff like this?" 

He flips his hair "thats just my natural awesomeness"

I lean forward and lightly grab some of his hair that is falling in front of his eyes "it's getting long again, do you want me to cut it again?" I ask, turning back and blowing on my noodles

"I dont know" He says, putting down his chopsticks and running his hand through the hair "I think I wanna try growing it out a little"

"that would look nice" I say, swallowing my noodles and nodding, 

we finish the rest of the meal with a bit more talk before paying and departing 

We slowly navigate our way around all the people in the street 

"there seem to be a lot ore people" Norio points out

"yeah" I nod "Kiba thinks there must be a festival or something happening in another town and that all the merchants are stopping here to replenish their supplies"

"or maybe they are here for the Inauguration of the new Hokage this weekend" he whips towards me, a teasing smile on his face "soooo you and Kiba?" 

I elbow him "shut up" I mutter, blush taking over my face "what about the new Hokage? Who is it gonna be?"

he shrugs his shoulders "I dont know" he smirks again "what about Kiba?"

"what about Ino" I retort, bumping him lightly 

"ah I see" he laughs, pushing me back "you like him" he loudly exclaims 

"Norio shush" I exclaim, holding a finger up to my mouth as I try to quiet the 5'11 giant that the entire street is now glancing at and shaking their heads 

he laughs louder as I smack his arm, shaking my head and stomping up the steps of my porch as he follows on my tail 

we sit on the swing and watch the people in the busy street 

"so" he says 

I twist sligtly to the side and sudy his face 

"Kiba is a good guy" he says, I smile slightly "If that's who you like then go for it, I just-, just be careful Sayuri. Don't give him your whole heart only for him to throw it aside later and leave you behind, I don't think he will,but-" he pauses, his eyes flash as he adds "if he ever hurts you, I will kill him"

I swallow, staring at Norio I have never seen this side of him before, sure him and Ronin have always been protective but not like this 

I rest a hand on his "I wont let that happen Norio, I'll be careful, and you're right" I say, watching as a certain brunette and his team made their way through the busy street, "I know he's a good guy"


one more update for the day, hoping i get my laptop fixed soon

1 vote = 1 fixxy for my laptop lmao 

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