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The woman-Asiko laughs, her laugh so cold and cruel it sends a shiver down my spine

I look up as I pump Norios chest, and could've smiled

standing there in front of the man and woman are teams 8 and 7 

I lean down and give Norio a few more breaths before continuing my compressions, "Sakura!" I shout, she is way ahead of me in medical jutsu she will be able to save Norio 

she nods and starts to run towards me, Sasuke throws kunai at the man, allowing Sakura to slip past him and up to my shield

just as she touches it my knees start to sway and my body hits the ground, my lids start to fall and I grab Norios hand and hold it tight "please survive Norio, please" 

my eyes close for what feels like a second before I am awakened to someone yelling my name 

"SAYURI" a voice shouts 

my lids start to open, only to be forced shut again from the bright midday sun. 

"Sayuri you have to wake up, we have to go" the voice continues 

I shake my head slightly 

No I think I have to get up, I have to make sure everyone is ok

I try to move my hand, still clenched tight onto Norios hand, I squeeze it and try to sit up

my head swirms (is that a word) and bile rises in my throat 

a hand grabs my shoulder and keeps me up, after my eyes adjusted to the light I saw the familiar pink hair of Sakura 

"I was really scared that we lost you for a second, you used all of your chakra and burned right through your reserves, you needed to have chakra transferred to you, I healed your hand and the swelling in your eye though I stopped before healing the bruise so I could focus on Norio" she says worridly, still bent over Norio, the color has returned to his face and his chest has begun to rise and fall

I almost jump for joy "Sakura! you did it! You're amazing!" I want to hug her but now is not the time, she's right, we have to get out of here

"Is he ok? We have to get out of here" Kiba says, walking up to us and pointing to the field, where flames were beginning to feed upon the dry grass 

I grit  my teeth and sheath my fallen kunai as I stand up its that bastard again, the one with the flames

"Norio will be fine soon, the chest compressions really helped Sayuri, if you didn't do those I don't think I would've been able to get him to the state he is in now" Sakura nods, standing up and hoisting up Norio into her arms "we should head back to where we met up with team 8" 

I nod "but what about Ronin?" 

"Hinatas using her Byukugan so hopefully she'll be able to find something" Naruto adds, standing off to the side next to Hinata, scratching his neck 

I nod solemly why is everything so hard right now?  "I'm so sorry" I say, bowing to all my friends "my team is all hurt and missing and it'll impact you guys, by helping us you guys are putting yourselves in more danger"

Kiba rests a hand on my shoulder "it's ok, its important to take care of the people who are important to you but for now we really should get going" he takes my hand and pulls me gently after everyone else and through the treeline 

 after running for about ten minutes with Hinata in the lead and Sakura carrying Norio right behind her Hinata holds up her hand, calling us to a halt

Naruto jumps over, leaning over her and quietly asking what she saw 

she nods and points towards a bush at the bottom of a tree 30 yards away 

Kiba lets go of my wrist as I drop from the tree and head towards the bush Ronin...

curled into the underbrush of the bush was a beaten and bloody Ronin, his eye was swollen and he had blood trickling out of his mouth and nose, his leg was bent at an uncomfortable angle and it looked like it might have been broken 

"Ronin!" I pick up his head and begin to brush his hair aside to better see his injuries, his sweat runs thickly down his face, and his clothes were soaked through 

"hold up a minute" Sakura shouts, Sasuke kneels down next to her and holds Ronin's chest down as Sakura carefully grabs his leg and sets it back, "Sayuri" she asks "do you have any chakra?" 

I shake my head in defeat, almost allowing my emotions to overflow and come out in tears

"borrow mine again" says Shino, walking in front of me and extending his hand 

I nod and kneel next to Ronin's head as he places his hand on my arm and I begin to channel his chakra through me into Ronin's head, looking for internal bleeding and fixing his swollen face and bleeding nose

it was all night before Ronin's eyes flutter open and he inhales deeply, his emerald eyes greeting the new morning sun 

I smile and could've laughed (yall this is honestly how I deal with shock and like recovering from it so she is smiling right now, not because she is crazy but because that's how she is choosing the release the build up emotions and uncertainty)

the whole group sighs in relief before Hinata gasps, causing us to all turn around to where she is staring with her byakugan 

"what is it Hinata?" Kiba questions, him and Akamaru stand up and move to her 

"its a-" she stutters before taking another breath "we have to hurry" she says confidently, turning and grabbing her pack "I don't know exactly what is happening but the exam procters and leaf shinobi are fighting against the teams from the stone village, three people are already down"

"the exam proctors?" Sasuke asks, jumping to his feet and pulling up Sakura "theres something big up, we need to get going"

Norio rises to his feet and offers and hand up to Ronin, I smile seeing them ok again and they both nod to me before slinging bags over their shoulders 

"lets go then" Shouts Naruto as he charges off and we follow after him "protect Konoha!"

//////////////// this chapter has been edited 

wow I am honestly so sorry for how long it tool me to come out with this and how short it is, ive been feeling kinda depressed lately and haven't really wanted to do anything 

let me know how you like this! it would mean the world if you hit vote or left a comment 

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