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my whole body is stiff as I wake up, my throat is dry and my head swarms as I sit up 

"finally Sayuri" someone says coming over to me "how you feeling"

opening my eyes I see Norio holding out a cup of water for me, I gulp it down thankfully

"to be honest I feel awful, I really have to build up my chakra supplies cause that's super draining" I sigh rubbing my face 

"thank you" a new voice speaks up, Shino "For stepping in, you saved my team"

I nod then quickly jump up and regret it when I feel like I might throw up "How are they?" I ask 

Norio gestures to around a small fire ring they made where Kiba and Hinata lay 

"whats wrong with them" I stumble over to them and kneel down, looking over to Shino 

"some kind of poison cactus they had with them, they wiped it on the edges of their kunai, they said it makes the skin feel like it was on fire" Shino bent over Hinata, pointing at her abdomen "she got one right here when she jumped in front of Akamaru, she also got hit in the head but she woke up after you stopped the bleeding but soon passed out from the poison again" he moved to Kiba, pointing at his chest "he got two here jumping in front of us" he rubbed a hand against his face "we tried to clean the wounds but the poison is in their bloodstream, I have my bugs looking around the woods for any kind of medicinal herbs" 

I nod slowly, taking it in, "well the good thing is I know how to extract poisoned blood, the bad thing is I have tapped out almost all of my chakra from those shields and we don't have much time for the poison before it overtakes their systems"

Shino sticks his hand out "I will channel some of my chakra into you, would that be enough?" 

His voice almost sounded desperate, I had never heard him like this, he always seemed so cool and confident but now both his team members are down.

I nod confidently, "yeah that should work" I shrug off my coat and tie my hair into a bun, ignoring the soreness when I raised my arms above my head 

I kneel over Hinata and unwrap her wound, it was deep, that means theres a good amount of poison in her, I put Shinos hand on my forearm and cross my hands over each other on the wound.

I focus all the chakra into the wound and it pours over her body, seeking for any of the poison

Shino has an incredible chakra supply, he probably needs it for controlling all those bugs, I should take some tips

after a few minutes of concentration the poison starts to get picked up, it pulls it into my hand and a few seconds after that when none more comes back I drop back 

panting I nod 'that should be all of it, I cant sense anymore" 

Norio scoots over "I can clean the wound while you guys work on Kiba" 

I look over to Shino "you good?" he nods so I move over to Kiba 

I pull up Kiba's shirt to his shoulder and pull off the bandages 

"ok this one is going to be harder since its two times the poison" I put my hands over one of the wounds and Shino puts his hand on my arm 

taking in a deep breath I focus and spread out all the chakra, it's a little harder to control since it is not my chakra

the poison seems to mostly be around his lungs 

I force more chakra into him, Shino remains pushing a steady, strong flow 

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