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My whole body feels sore as my eyes blink open. Kiba stood over me as he held me against his chest and walked.

"KIba" I murmur 

he looks down and smiles, "oh great you're awake, I'm bringing you home. Tsunade said you passed out from chakra exertion. So all you need is some food and lots of sleep" 

I nod, taking in the darking sky "how long was I out? what happened?"

he takes a few more steps before answering "you've been out maybe 4 hours, not much happened since you passed out. Ronin, Shikamaru, Shino, and Kakashi went and destroyed the ship that they enemy nin were using and we captured the rest of them. The damage isn't too bad in the village, the compounds were spared and only two sections of housing were damaged, some not that badly, other completely demolished" he glances up thoughtfully "I think Kakashi's apartment was one of the ones that got damaged, which would mean it's probably the same for Kurenai, since they lived in the same building"

The incoming cold air nips against my face, causing me to turn and put my face closer to Kiba's chest "did anyone get hurt?" 

He shakes his head "nothing fatal, but they should be alright in the next few days. I think one of the worst was Tenten, she was attacking and one of the flyers slammed into her back, she has some spinal damage but Tsunade got to her quickly so she should be alright now"

I nod and close my eyes, the rest of our walk to my house was silent. The only sounds being the birds singing their evening song and the distant rumble of conversation and the smell of food

I unlock the door to the house and go to lay on the couch.

"what do you want to eat?" Kiba asks, closing the door gently and heading across the lightly squeaky wooden floor towards the kitchen 

"I dunno" I mumble, closing my eyes and putting my hand over them "just whatever is already made is fine" I'm so tired...

He moves around the kitchen, rummaging through the cabinets before taking out a pot "I'm gonna make you some noodles"

thats so sweet of him... I hum "sounds delicious" my hand runs along the back of the couch before pulling down the blanket and spreading it over myself.

Birds chirped as I awoke, the light shining through the window immediately blinding me 

what the hell? 

I promptly shoot up, almost falling off the edge of the couch. My hand landed on the table in front of me, a cold bowl and cup of tea sat there. Kiba must've made this...where is he?

"If you're looking for Kiba" Asuma's voice came from behind me, his heavy footsteps making their way over "he left about 15 minutes ago, I guess he passed out on the chair after making you food" He holds out a mug to me 

The smell of coffee consumes me as I bring it up to my nose to breathe it in 

"That was really nice of him" Asuma continues, sitting down and taking a long sip of his tea "To stick with you throughout the battle, bring you home, make you food" He winks at me as he takes another sip "you don't find boys like that often" he chuckles at my face 

"it was" I agree, taking a sip of my coffee "He's really nice" I reach a hand out towards the plant on the table, examining it's veiny leaves and the shades of green "He's kind and protective and he's also smart and strong and funny-"

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