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After informing us of the plan, Shikamaru dismisses us and I turn to meet Mikino 

"Sensei" I cry, jumping forward and wrapping my arms around her I missed her, she was always a strong and affirming person in my life and given everything the past few days had held...I'm just glad she's here again 

Mikino laughs soflty, her raven hair swishes around her glowing bronze skin as she smiles in greeting 

she rubs my head as I pull back "hey kiddo, how are you guys doing? How were the exams?"

I gulp, looking away from her face and towards Ronin and Norio 

dark bags rest under Ronin's eyes as his emerald ones to meet our Sensei and her onyx ones. 

he sighs "they weren't completed, you have heard of the assasination of the Hokage?"

Mikino nods, crossing her arms over her chest "of course, I didn't just stand here listening to our new Hokage talk about a possible attack on her while not knowing what happened to the 3rd"

A light blush of embarrassment dusts Ronin's cheeks as he continues "A team discovered the Claw and Stones plot to assasinate him during the exams, a fight broke out involving the proctors and the teams when the proctors tried to stop the team, we probably would have stopped them but there were so many, a few slipped through our defenses and we had to create a team to go after them while we continued to hold back the forces, after that they seemed more focused on retreating instead of fighting but we pursued their tracks as far as we could track, maybe if we had a tracker we would have been able to follow them further but the tracker went with the team meant to protect the Hokage," he stutters and looks down "when we got back..."

Mikino nods, placing a hand on his shoulder "you did well nonetheless, you are young and you must learn from your mistakes and the mistakes of others"

then she turned to me and placed a hand on my shoulder, her dark eyes contrasting the light paint of the room "I'm sorry for your loss" she sincerely murmured "and we will have more time to talk later but right now we need to get into position"

Shikamaru wanted me in the crowd with Norio, my job was to protect the people with my shields if any attack happened and Norio was to guard me and listen to the head voices of everyone around him in an attempt to find the enemy.

I fan my face as we enter the growing crowd, nodding to Ronin and Mikino before leaving their eyesight and adjusting my hair tie. Ino was prepared to link our minds if we needed to discuss the plan with the group. 

The hot sun beats down on the gathering crowd, vendors and merchants making the most of this by selling cold drinks and snacks. There are so many merchants waiting with their packs along the outside to get in and sell their goods.

"this is ridiculous" I mutter to Norio, I stay right behind him but allow him the tough job of pushing through the crowd 

He nods. "there are a lot of people here" he states "can you handle it if you had to protect them all" glancing back at me but quickly turning back around 

I look down at my hands I have too...

"is here good?" he asks, pausing near the middle of the crowd 

I nod "yeah this should be good"

My hand unknowingly moves to my forehead when I hear Ino's voice in my head Can everyone hear me? she asked 

It takes a few seconds for everyone to figure out how to respond but they do

Ok listen up Shino and Hinata are up on the roofs to the South. Naruto and Sasuke on the East. Most of the Jounin Sensei's have disguised themselves and are up on the top with Lady Tsunade. And the rest of us are spread out in the crowd. If something happens in your section, if you see anyone acting weird, tell us and we can figure out a way to quietly subdue them

we all agree and she shuts out

I begin the discreetly analyze the crowd around me, most don't have weapons on them and the few Shinobi who are stationed within the crowd are part of Asuma's guard thing he had organized. He wanted enough visible Shinobi in the crowd as to not be suspicious but he hand selected some of the best that were not away on missions. I recognized a few of them well, having seen Asuma train with them before. Izumo and Kotetsu stand together near the vendors, they were eating dango and while remaining inconspicuous they analyzed the crowd. Genma and Guy could be seen casually walking along the crowd. 

Ok I breathed There are strong people here, we have a very good chance of protecting everyone. I they attack then I just cover everyone with shields and then our people attack them, this will be fine.... I feel a tear begin to build up but I quickly shake it off It won't be like last time, I won't let anyone die again...

"you ok?" asks Norio from behind me, he places his hand on my shoulder and turns me towards him 

I nod, looking down at the dirt road instead of his face 

"you can tell me if something is wrong you know" he adds, withdrawing his hand and crossing his arms "you and I have a lot in common"

"I know Norio" I say, raising my eyes to meet his darker blue "and we will talk about it, just...not now" I smile fro encouragement and he nods

"ok then" he smiles back

My eyes trail back to the crowd, scanning them one by one. Movement to my left attracts my eyes "oh no" I murmur 


thank you too...

when i logged in last night it made me smile seeing all your votes and comments so thank you for making my day!

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